TKD demos


Purple Belt
So what is the coolest thing you have seen at a TKD demo? Was it a cool breaking sequence, a self defense "skit", or something else?

Also, is there anything you are sick to death of seeing at demos?

The final portion of our black belt test consists of the candidates each coming up with an original demo and I am trying to get some fresh ideas.
tkd_jen said:
So what is the coolest thing you have seen at a TKD demo? Was it a cool breaking sequence, a self defense "skit", or something else?

The coolest thing I ever saw was when I watched a VI dan test to VII dan (master); he broke a board with a fingertip thrust - but I don't recommend it to you - I've heard of too many people breaking their fingers, including compound fractures.

I did see a really good hol-sin-sul (self-defense routine) that was staged to look like it was in a bar; the participants used a very large and deep mat (about 3 feet high, and about 6' by 6') to simulate a pool table, complete with pool cues. There was (of course) a fight, followed by a very well choreographed and realistic set of defenses that steadily increased in intensity and outcome.

Anything that looks like it could really work is what I want to see - so many people are trying to impress with excess at demonstrations rather than impress with technique - and there comes a point where power is meaningless without technique.

tkd_jen said:
Also, is there anything you are sick to death of seeing at demos?

Several things:

- hol-sin-suls in which the participants die repeatedly instead of having a steadily increasing response; watching someone perform multiple killing techniques and then having the attacker get back up and be killed again shows a definite lack of understanding - such routines should start with a minimal response (say, a release) and then work up through a steadily increasing level of intensity, and the attacker should only be seriously maimed or killed once.

- breaks that the person can't do that are steadily decreased until they happen. For example, I saw a demo in a shopping mall years ago, which started with 10 people crouched on the ground in front of the board holder, which had 6 or 7 boards in it. The demonstrator jumped, landed short, removed a couple of people; jumped, landed short, removed a couple of people; got down to 3 or 4 people and hit the target... and didn't break... so he started taking down boards. By the time he was done, he broke 3 boards, while jumping over 3 people - which was reasonably impressive, but after watching him try more difficult scenarios, and miss, and reduce the distance and boards 4 or 5 times, looked really stupid.

- people who don't know what they are doing - or worse, students whose instructors try to teach them a technique during the demonstration, and then try to make them use it. I went to one demonstration that was 2 black belts and a white belt; the senior instructor tried to teach the white belt to do a side kick during the demonstration, and then tried to make him break with it - which he finally did, after a couple of dozen tries. I also saw a demo in which there were a variety of color belts and a black belt - and it was pretty obvious that none of the color belts knew their patterns; they were all following the black belt, even the red belts. They were also trying to break what looked like balsa wood; at least, I've never seen pine fly 30 feet in the air after someone missed a one-board front kick break.

Good luck!
The most impressive TKD demo I saw was of an ITF group. Their technique was so sharp (I'm a technique geek so that's what I want to see). I wish I still had the link. They were awsome. I still try to do some of the stuff I remember from the vid, like the very slow high kicks.

They also did this demo with this girl at a "bus stop." She had 4 attackers, and she laid them out one by one. She even used the magazine that she was reading as a weapon. It was funny (the skit) and impressive (technique) at the same time. It just totally blew me away.

I agree with Kacey about the worst demos I saw. She pretty much nailed it. I saw something similar to the last bit she explained.
Chip Townsend has the best TKD demo team I personally have ever seen.
His group does it all, breaks, Poomse, SD and High flying kicks.
I saw an incredible breaking sequence from a 5th dan once. It went the following way. Right leg twist kick through 5 boards, left leg twist kick the same. Followed by ridge hand through five boards ending with a spinning cresent through five boards.

The boards were 3/4 in pine. Just telling for reference.
We have a BB banquet every year as part of our BB test. Before dinner we have about an 1 hour and 1/2 hours of demo; forms done by certain age groups and board breaking but there are always 2 or 3 special demos that we practice off hours - with the appropriate costumes.

A couple of good skits were: A Jackie Chan spoof where Jackie and his sidekick break in on an arms deal, Spiderman fighting off 3 muggers that were taking a woman's purse and this year was Batman breaking in on the Riddler and hencmen.

We also so Chinese sword, escrima stick, nunchkua and bo fights.
We have a 1st dan who does a backhanded thumb strike to a concrete patio block --he's tough and built solid. The master a couple of years ago did a quadruple front kick to four balloons held alternately left and right. He had put powder in them so that the audience could see the puff of "smoke". He didn't have much of a run either since it was on a small demo stage at the fair. But even three boards is impressive.

I skit of multiple of attackers using boards--low kick for knee, knee strike, elbow strike, ridge hand to throat are simple self defense, but not terribly interesting. But self defense is supposed to be simple. A more flashy set of breaks might not be too convincing as a self defense scenario.

Tossing boards up and breaking with spin heel. 360 jumpback blind folded. Rebounding off of the wall during a multiple break. Tornado round kick speed break-held with two fingers. Triple kick, double front kick, double spin-spin heel kick with two targets, high and low. Flying sidekick over chairs. Double sweep, head level then ground. Most of these breaks are for our black belt tests and they individually take alot of practice. Good luck with whatever you choose to do! TW
Personally, my favorite demo would have to be when the the DPRK - ITF Demo Team preformed in the Republic of Korea!

I once saw a demo done by a talented TKDan who did a SD/breaking demo while handcuffed in front. (I thought it odd, because it was at a "police weekend" at a local mall.) He was breaking boards & holds all while handcuffed. He was doing some really unique things, until the last technique. The last technique was to be a flying sidekick over a few people w/ the boards easily 6 ft in the air. He didn't count on adrenaline.:) He threw the kick OVER the boards & hooked his foot on the board! So he comes crashing to the floor with only his handcuffed hands to break his fall! Sadly, he landed mostly on his head.

The moral of the story I got was...ALWAYS consider how your adrenaline figures into any demo you do!:)

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