TKD and weapons


Purple Belt
I know that weapons are traditionally not part of the TKD curriculum, but a lot of schools teach them. If weapons are taught at your school, what are they and are they part of the TKD curriculum or seperate?

My instructors teach a seperate class, that involves Haidong Gumdo (sword), bo, and nunchaku. It the gup levels, I haven't seen any weapons requirements, but I think there may be some basic sword work at the dan level.
I think weapons and most any kind of martial art go hand in hand. After all, we didn't have wars with our bare fists before guns were invented........maybe cavemen did.
I never really got taught weapons at my TKD school, my instructors and peers kind of just dabbled in them. I recently did a seminar for my friend's Dojang covering mainly Sword and Chucks, touching briefly on Bo, Tonfa, Sai, Knives and Arnis. I learned most of my weapons from my buddy Sean and my SiFu.

The group I did the seminar for was apparently fluent in nunchaku. I didn't see any skill whatsoever, it obviously wasn't any kind of a requirement, nor was it at my first school
we use them in class, mostly just as a coordination drill though...there is no requirement until testing for 2nd dan, then there is a bo form. The black belt classes will use wood swords, escrima sticks, chucks, and staff from time to time.
doc clean said:
I know that weapons are traditionally not part of the TKD curriculum, but a lot of schools teach them.
You're quite right. TKD is an empty hand art, but popular demand has caused this and other empty hand arts to offer them in many schools.

doc clean said:
If weapons are taught at your school, what are they and are they part of the TKD curriculum or seperate?
My school has offered different weapons at different times. I practiced Haidong Gumdo for about a 1 1/2 years. I've been practicing Kumdo (Kendo) for about 3 1/2. They are not part of the normal TKD curriculum in our school. Purly elective.
I think it is interesting that TKD is an empty hand art, but a lot of schools refer to the MUYE DOBO TONGJI. It looks like only one chapter is on empty hand, Book 4, I. Kwon Bup (Fist Fighting Method).

Here is the table of contents that I copied from
The King's Preface
I. Bumrye (Introduction)
II. Byunggi Chongsu (Documentation of Military Strategies)
III. Chuk Mo Sashil (Facts on Chuk Kye-kwang and Mo Won-ui)
IV. Kiye Jilue (Conversation on the Strategy and Art)
V. Inyong Sumok (References)

I. Jang Chang (Long Spear)
II. Juk Jang Chang (Long Bamboo Spear)
III. Kee Chang (Flag Spear)
IV. Dang Pa (Triple Tip Spear)
V. Ki Chang (Spear Fighting on Horseback)
VI. Nang Sun (Multiple Tip Bamboo Spear)

I. Ssang Soo Do (Long Sword)
II. Ye Do (Short Sword)
III. Wae Kum (Japanese Sword)

I. Je Dok Kum (Admiral's Sword)
II. Bon Kuk Kum (Shilla Kingdom Sword)
III. Ssang Kum (Twin Swords)
IV. Masang Ssang Kum (Twin Swords on Horseback)
V. Wol Do (Moon Sword)
VI. Masang Wol Do (Moon Sword on Horseback)
VII. Hyup Do (Spear Sword)
VIII. Deung Pae (Shield Art)

I. Kwon Bup (Fist Fighting Method)
II. Kon Bong (Long Stick)
III. Pyun Kon (Flail Method)
IV. Masang Pyun Kon (Flail Method on Horseback)
V. Kyuk Koo (Ball Game on Horseback)
VI. Masang Jae (Horsemanship)
VII. Kwan Bok Dosul (Illustrations of Uniforms)
VIII. Koi Pyo (A Comparative Chart)
We are taught weapons. I have learned just bo, so far. In the BB classes, they do a lot of "weapons defenses" and sword later on (2nd or 3rd dan, I believe). But the bo, and sword stuff is influenced by my instructor's previous Kung Fu training. He has also done Kali for a number of years, so that's basically where the weapon defenses come from, I believe.

Other than that, it's mostly empty hand stuff.
We are taught bong (staff) hyung along with staff techniques (attacks/defenses, etc). But, my teacher never got involved with any association in Korea (KTA, WTF, ITF, etc) and simply preserves what he learned from the Chang Moo Kwan since 1950, which was originally a karate and chuan-fa dojang. The staff forms and techniques are from our Okinawan karate lineage.

R. McLain
The only weapons that have come into use during my TKD training are the ones I have brought with me. They are solely an outside influence coming from my training in Kobudo.

Most of the TKD people I see training with weapons have taken them up for the creation of "open" forms competition. They have little practicality, but they are pleasing for the spectators.

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