TKD and now BBT


White Belt
Nov 1, 2013
Reaction score
east coast US
Hello everyone. I am a member of other internet forums relevant to my interests so I figured it was about time to join an MA community. I have been a student of a long standing Taekwondo school in my area for two years now. There are some merits to it, but have found a Bujinkan dojo an hour away that I have started training with and plan to make a smooth transition to for full time training after the contract is over with TKD. I would say that TKD is and always will be a positive experience, but I have no interest in commercial MA or Olympic style sparring at this point. Im not much of a talker, I am a type to watch and listen, so I will be lurking and chiming in if I have something of value to say.
Welcome! I do hope you'll start a thread talking about how your transition goes--it's always interesting to see a change like that from someone else's eyes. Sounds like a big change of technique, if I understand how BBT works.
Welcome to MT. Hopefully you'll feel like you have something to contribute to the threads. Realistically, there are VERY few people who cannot contribute something.
Welcome. And I agree with arnisador. I would be interested in hearing your story.
Welcome to martial talk! I to am making a transition to BBT. I have my start in boxing/mma. Seriously you should make a thread about your experiances. It would be a trip.
Hello and welcome and I too would like to see you impart some of your experiences regarding the transition to BBT :)
Thankyou everyone! I will find an appropriate subsection and make a thread about my experience with the transition from TKD to BBT.

Always good to have another BBT practitioner to hear from. Will be interesting to hear how your TKD training helps you in BBT.