tips for my build?

hi , im 15 years old , im naturaly built with broad shoulders , im build quite wide and have a little "unwanted flab" lol , average height (for my age)-about 5 foot 6 inches and i weigh about 160 lbs (i think thats junior middleweight) , i have VERY strong legs for my age , my biggest advantage. it comes from years of bike riding every day. and weak arms (but quite fast) for my age. im getting heavier , taller and more muscular with my training , new healthy diet and biking.

i got the idea for this thread becasue i was reading another thread on the forum about someone who needed help becasue he was shorter than most of his oponents and he got some good tips on how to deal with the taller opponents.

so now you have the detals , what would be the pros and cons of my build in a muay thai bout? and what could i do to get better in terms of fight strategy against opponents of all shapes and sizes?

merry christmas!:)

chris_มวยไทย;687647 said:
weak arms (but quite fast)

Hey Chris, merry christmas back at ya!

First up, weak arms? Not that much of a disadvantage if you use the techniques properly. They will naturally begin to develop through use. One mistake I've seen quite a lot is guys with big muscles (legs, arms etc) lobbing wild punches and kicks without style or a proper understanding of the technique. This leaves them off-balance and slow. Focus not on muscle but on application. You've seen the thai's - they are usually slim but well conditioned.

Being quite young, you've got lots of time to spend practicing at a steady pace and perfecting moves. Try not to get carried away and please please don't let it go to your head - this will only lead to challanges (either from folks showing off or you pushing yourself too far).

Also, if you have the chance, try some cross training. You might find that trying other arts can open your eyes to new opportunities in muay thai.....

Hey Chris, merry christmas back at ya!

First up, weak arms? Not that much of a disadvantage if you use the techniques properly. They will naturally begin to develop through use. One mistake I've seen quite a lot is guys with big muscles (legs, arms etc) lobbing wild punches and kicks without style or a proper understanding of the technique. This leaves them off-balance and slow. Focus not on muscle but on application. You've seen the thai's - they are usually slim but well conditioned.

Being quite young, you've got lots of time to spend practicing at a steady pace and perfecting moves. Try not to get carried away and please please don't let it go to your head - this will only lead to challanges (either from folks showing off or you pushing yourself too far).

Also, if you have the chance, try some cross training. You might find that trying other arts can open your eyes to new opportunities in muay thai.....


thanks for the help , i knew that having weak arms wasnt bad if i had bad technique , i was concerned about it because maybe if they were stronger it would take less energy to throw them?

thanks again!
