

Senior Master
Jul 7, 2008
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strength, speed, stamina, & even flexibility get discussed a lot, but the most important attribute for fighting & martial arts often gets left out: timing.

timing is simply the ability to rapidly know when to execute, & a fighter with good timing can often beat another fighter who trumps him in all other attributes. timing can come from a variety of types of training, but it is most easily developed through sparring, imo. not just knock down drag out brain damage sparring, but sparring of any intensity.

so this is just a bit of friendly advice to any new MAists out there; work on all your other attributes, but don't neglect your timing. each training session should conclude with at least a few rounds of light sparring. try not to think things like "i'm going to throw this combo" or "i'm going to catch him with this technique". my kickboxing coach called this "getting lost in your own head". instead try to recognize the openings as they come. as you get better, you'll start to capitalize on those openings without even thinking about it. that is timing.

just some thoughts.

strength, speed, stamina, & even flexibility get discussed a lot, but the most important attribute for fighting & martial arts often gets left out: timing.

timing is simply the ability to rapidly know when to execute, & a fighter with good timing can often beat another fighter who trumps him in all other attributes. timing can come from a variety of types of training, but it is most easily developed through sparring, imo. not just knock down drag out brain damage sparring, but sparring of any intensity.

so this is just a bit of friendly advice to any new MAists out there; work on all your other attributes, but don't neglect your timing. each training session should conclude with at least a few rounds of light sparring. try not to think things like "i'm going to throw this combo" or "i'm going to catch him with this technique". my kickboxing coach called this "getting lost in your own head". instead try to recognize the openings as they come. as you get better, you'll start to capitalize on those openings (without even thinking about it) . that is timing.

just some thoughts.

I like this last part very much. This is the culmination of good, sensible training.
If I could, I would add distancing with timing. I would love to stay out of range and draw someone in. It seems that once they felt comfortable with distance, they would fire a technique. I would come in and out of distance which would keep the opponent always off guard.
Distancing and timing: Probably the 2 most important skills to have. One of the direct benefits from some of the most hated drills in class. So many people misunderstand the value of some of the martial arts less "real" drills.

Drills like step-sparring and stepping motion with partners can be great tools for developing these skills.
Hello, Timing is just one part of the all the technical training...like a piece of a puzzle...NEED timing to complete the puzzle!

Which part is the most important....? the Brain said "I should be most important because of open mind", the heart said "I should be the most important"...hands and foot..."I should be most important"...the A.S.S just close up....and shut down....till the brain was ready to burst, the heart kept pumbing harder..with NO end in site...and hand and foot couldn't move

They all Voted the to make the A.S.S..most important...it open up to let the airs out....

The air in you? ...and the way it is use? ...should be most important...Study this well....

endurance or ablilty to use the air force...breathing!

Timing - being in the right place in the right time!

best to save as many "timing" as you can...incase you need them one day... 9 collected for us...so far...? How many do you have?

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From the Taiji classics:

Observe the ability of the old man who can successfully defend himself against many opponents at once. This proves that speed does not determine victory-Wong Chung-Yua

In other words correct timing is superior skill than speed.

Timing,distancing,space are factors that can overcome superfical means of power like speed and strength because the focus is on attacking a weak point on your opponent or causing the opponent to defeat himself.

StillLearning, What is the acronynm A.S.S.?
Distancing and timing are critical in jodo and iaido. Wait, wait, wait……..now!!

In the kenjitsu I do, eventually you force your timing onto your opponent, thereby throwing their timing off, once they are off, you have them.