Time for a Smile Amidst the Gloom


Have the courage to speak softly
MT Mentor
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Sep 15, 2006
Reaction score
Staffordshire, England
We have had some very bad events in the world at large recently and our American cousins, in a couple of weeks, have one heck of a 'butchers bill' to pay economically speaking. So I thought something a little lighter to lift the spirits a bit. Admittedly this will work best for British people of about my age who remember such things as "Department S", "The Saint" and "Jason King" but it made me laugh uproariously so hopefully it will raise at least a smile for others:

In case people don't 'get it', this is a spoof intro done by the Top Gear team to showcase a revamp of the Jenson Interceptor that a company is making available - I SO want that black one in the video :D. But I don't have 100K or so to spare right now :(.

"I CAN'T!"

Pure comedy gold :tup:. Even now that occasionally gets quoted when things get tense in the office :D.
By the way, am I off my trolley or is the brunette in the back of the Black Interceptor Kathy Lloyd?! Can't be - not after all these years!
We have had some very bad events in the world at large recently and our American cousins, in a couple of weeks, have one heck of a 'butchers bill' to pay economically speaking. So I thought something a little lighter to lift the spirits a bit. Admittedly this will work best for British people of about my age who remember such things as "Department S", "The Saint" and "Jason King" but it made me laugh uproariously so hopefully it will raise at least a smile for others:


Even some of us Yanks remember. We just have a spelling problem Smith vs. Smithe :)
And top notch judo chops, too!
Continuing the theme of laughing against the darkness:


Rowan Atkinson, brilliant comedian, genuine petrol-head and a pretty dab hand behind the wheel of a car ...

EDIT: Oh and if someone could see their way clear to sending me the brunette visible over Rowan's left shoulder and the blond from behind Jeremy's right shoulder I'd be ... a very bruised man once my missus found out about it :lol:.
Not really a "Smile" clip, other than the fact that Hamster didn't die but this one makes me smile because it is just SO English - as in the way that we will diminish and lessen the intensity of absolutely anything, including extracting-the-Michael out of our mates who have come within a whisker of getting the tap on the shoulder from the chap with the scythe.


EDIT: Oh and PS, the original poster of the clip has a 'temporal lock' problem as this accident happened a few years ago.
Cool motor! Though it is definitely a man's car ha. As to cars of that era, I would defo have one of these http://www.classiccars4sale.net/classic-car-review/c2c-lotus-elite :)

I do have to say, with all due deference to your professional credentials on matters automotive, that the Elite is not my favourite Lotus - I blush to say it, given that my brother-in-law has had two and declares them ... well I can't really say what he declares them as it's rather rude :lol: ... but I adore the Lotus Esprit :eek:.

Here's the GT tuning house I 'virtually' spanner for (doing in 'let's pretend' fashion what Jenna does for real :eek:). Check out my Esprit's taking the fight to some awesome competition.
Wow! That is certainly a very in depth pastime Mark! And I am guessing it is a joint effort with someone else yes? I am very impressed at the attention to detail and mileage you have put in real or virtual it does not much matter nowadays with the physics engines on these consoles. I had been playing GT since the first Playstation came out though I stopped by GT4. I see it on PS3 now and cannot believe the leap in processing power. I have not played in ages because I um.. am professional and cannot get on with the lack of realistic wheels-to-tarmac feedback from the controller.. I mean um.. I do not have enough time for it.. I mean.. ok ok, I am a very bad sport and absolutely detest getting beaten repeatedly and moreover mocked by my son and his lousy pals who have only a nano-fraction of the experience I have.. cheeky beggers :D I am honestly impressed though at the levels that you have taken your GT activities to, kudos to you! As to the Esprit, there are still a few of them knocking around you know even though they are built as though by garage modellers! Cannot wait to sit my *** in the new version though! Anyways I just mean that I am amazed by the time and effort involved in that link. I think it is only a pity you are not paid cash money for it! :) Take care, J xo