Tim Bathurst Bujinkan Seminar CA March 19-20


Green Belt

The Seminar will Cover: This year's Bujinkan theme which is based on the following:

Gyokko Ryu: Kihon focusing on striking without trying to hit a specific target but hitting to affect the persons balance and destroying their will to fight. Prepare by reviewing the Kihon for Gyokko Ryu-but do it with a different feeling. You need to create an aura of safety around yourself.

Rokushakku Bo and Tachi: Rokkushaku Bo is not limited to a 6-shaku bo. The six represents the elements (Roku dai) of Mikkyo- Chi, Sui, Ka, Fu, Ku and Shiki (ultra-- consciousness).

Yoroi Kumiuchi: As explained in the Daikomyosai 2004, armor is important part of fighting. One must learn to fight someone wearing armor, finding the openings as well as be able to move in armor and use it's weight and characteristics for your advantage.

DATE: March 19-20 2005

TIME: 10-4PM

LOCATION: South Bay Budokan

Register Now
Since there has been some confusion and people have Emailed me
To register for the whole weekend go here
To register for the only one day here

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