Tiger Style Lineage and The UK




I was wondering if anyone here has any insights into Tiger Style (or Tiger Ripping Style, if that exists?) in the UK.

The class I am thinking of visiting discusses it history as deriving from Tiger Ripping Style, brought to the UK by Master Bob Johnson on the 40's.

I have Google'd for information about Bob Johnson, and the Tiger (Ripping) Style, but have found very little, if any, information.

This does concern me slightly, as I would like to be sure that the style I am using is based on, and uses, authentic chinese MA's.

Does anyone have any information about this style and its history, and any would be greatly appreciated.

The school I am interested in is Sil Lum Kune in the UK

Thanks in advance
In over 17 years in martial arts in the UK I have never heard of the tiger ripping style in the UK. It must of been kept very low key over the years.

Paul Burkinshaw, one of their instructors (Siu Lum Kune) writes in Combat magazine from time to time.

I would watch a few lessons and get a feel of the club, you never know you might like it.

But to me personally, it dosn't have the look or feel of a club I would feel comftable in. But that is just me.

It seems quite a sporty type of club where, I prefer more of a pure traditional type of school
PantherFist said:
Paul Burkinshaw, one of their instructors (Siu Lum Kune) writes in Combat magazine from time to time.

It seems quite a sporty type of club where, I prefer more of a pure traditional type of school
I do agree with the above, and I do feel your sentiment, as I too would prefer a more traditional approach, though I will leave judgement until I actually attend some classes.

But having said that, I have e-mailed a few 'Masters' in my local area, and Paul Burkinshaw has been the only one who didn't ignore me altogether, offer me very curt replies, or cut off the conversation half way through.

If other 'schools' can't even do me the curtesy of informing me of class times and costs, then they don't deserve my time, and more importantly, my money.

Sorry just had a bit of a rant there!

I do intend to go to a couple of classes and see if it is for me (I am not sure if a Tiger style would suit me anyway), and I will try and find a bit more information (mainly from the teachers hopefully)!

That said, if anyone else has any more info, that would be greatly recived :)
