Ticket Advice


Black Belt
Jun 6, 2007
Reaction score
So I'm going down a 50km boulevard and I'm doing around 30km as I'm in a school zone in the morning. I pass a yellow light which turns red as I'm just about to pass under the light( in other words I've already passed the intersection. I get pulled over and the cop tells me his light turned green then I crossed the intersection. (He couldn't see my light) and tells me if his light was green mine must have been red. I get a ticket, the ticket states that I failed to immobilize my vehicle at a red light and is signed as the cops witnessed this. Which is basically not true in accordance with what the cop said.

Now do I pay the $158 ticket?
Do I contest it and maybe go to court only to probably lose and have to pay a higher fine not to mention miss a day of work?
The cop told me to go video record the lights if I think that they are out of synchronization, and that would hold up in court.

Is this all just a waste of time?
You want legal advice, hire a lawyer. Any advice received via the internet for free is worth every penny you pay for it -- or less.

I'm not providing you legal advice, especially since I'm not familiar with Canadian law. In Virginia, where I work, you absolutely have the right to show up at court and present your case, making the officer prove his. You'll have to decide if it's worth your time or not. In the courts where I've testified ... it'd be borderline, and come down to the officer's articulation versus yours, as well as which judge you drew.

Not looking for legal advice just experiences. Trying to gain some perspective on anything I haven't thought of or aren't aware of.

Thanks for your input.