Tibetan Personality Test

TigerWoman said:
This is a cool test! MJ, thanks!

Instead of tiger lst, I picked horse because I've always loved them.
And I picked family over career a long time ago.

I assigned all the colors according to rank. White went to the newest baby in the family, she's innocent like a white belt-but my twin soul?

Red I gave my 20yr. old daughter (even though she's a BB) because she thinks she knows alot about life but...is dangerous.haha

Green I gave my 17 yr. old son who is just beginning as a man....

Yellow, I thought of the nemesis of my life right now but didn't put it down
left it empty but that matched..

Orange, my closest friend who just proved that she was true...

Kind of eery..this test....I said Tiger second, that bothers me that is pride. If I get sounding like that, everybody, just say swat swat. Sometimes its hard to know what is confidence and what is pride. I know I feel pride about my family but not about what I am though. TW :asian:
Hey TW,

Glad you had fun with it! Don't worry about the pride part. LOL I had it before family...was I ever :eek: . I'll just have to think of it this way...I'm a proud parent ;)! Congratulate your daughter on being a BB at 20! I'll bet she kicks butt!:)

MJ :)
someguy said:
My frined will kill me apparently his girl is my twin soul.
:uhohh: uhoh Someguy!

LOL :D not to worry...I don't think it means you have to get married :inlove:...
Rich Parsons said:
Chinese Astrology - the Horse has the symbol of Fire associated with it. And each year also has an element associated with it. 1966 was the year of Fire.

Hence a Fire Horse. :asian:
Cool Rich! :boing1:...I like astrology...I don't know much about Chinese Astrology though if you have it how about posting that chart so we can see what we all are?
captnigh said:
Their seems to be a Zen like mindset to most serious martial artists I've met.
I think this is true especially of people who have been studying for a long time :asian:.
It was fairly accurate for me, except the partner thing. I find cats annoying, I do NOT find my partner annoying. Although maybe I do find the lack of having a partner annoying.
mj-hi-yah [left said:
(1) This will define your priorities in your life.
Cow Signifies CAREER
Tiger Signifies PRIDE
Sheep Signifies LOVE
Horse Signifies FAMILY
Pig Signifies MONEY

(2) Your description of dog implies your own
Your description of cat implies the personality
of your partner.
Your description of rat implies the personality
of your enemies.
Your description of coffee is how you interpret
Your description of the sea implies your own
(3) Yellow: Someone you will never forget
Orange: Someone you consider your true friend
Red: Someone that you really love
White: Your twin soul
Green: Someone that you will remember for the
rest of your life

1. Horse, tiger, sheep, pig, cow....pretty accurate
2. loyal, fisty, dirty, yummy, calming
3. i think i'll keep these to myself as that some of those on MT would never let me live it down :uhyeah:

this was really cute, i've seen it before but couldn't remember the answers. some were so close it was scary though

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