I worked with a another cop, a young cop, supposedly a black belt, who wanted to come down our dojo to do some sparring. (What he wanted to do was show off)
So I sparred with him. After a few seconds I realized he was worse than terrible. This kid was a real fish in a barrel. Seriously, one of the most inept fighters I had ever seen, or even heard of.
So I sparred with him, just moving and slapping away his strikes, trying not to let him embarrass himself. After a few minutes he stops, and pitches a loud, SCREAMING hissy fit. Like the worst two year old you can imagine.
I was stunned. He was screaming "Hit me! Try and hit me!" But you really can't hit a guy like that, because come judgement day, you'll go straight to fighters hell. And deservedly so.
Then he started screaming even louder. Now I was embarrassed. I looked to my students and one of them said, "You always told us to help guests with whatever they ask for or need."
So...you know how it goes. I did what anyone here would do. (But still didn't hurt him) Went to work and told the bosses "you better watch out for this guy, he ain't right in the head."
A few days later he hired a street hooker, fell in love with her (swear to God), bought her a diamond ring and proposed. She moves in with him. Second night there she slips him a mickey. When he wakes up sixteen hours later, everything in his apartment is gone. Everything. His bed, his sheets, his refrigerator, his food, the pictures on his wall, all his clothes, his badge, his firearm (not his work firearm, that's at work) his dishes, pens, paper, every damn thing. He's naked on the floor, cuffed behind his back. The apartment is completely empty. Void of anything other than his naked, cuffed self.
Has to scream for an hour, banging his feet on the floor for help. Got fired from our department that night, had to move back in with his folks.
She got caught, went to court. He was supposed to show up, but didn't bother. She was let go.
He probably runs a dojo now.