this kershaw

Keep a close eye on it to make sure it's not falling apart on you...I've seen too many Kershaw's self-destruct to ever be comfortable carrying or recommending one. The only exceptions to this are the metal-handled, frame-lock models (e.g. Leek, Chive, Scallion).
Keep a close eye on it to make sure it's not falling apart on you...I've seen too many Kershaw's self-destruct to ever be comfortable carrying or recommending one. The only exceptions to this are the metal-handled, frame-lock models (e.g. Leek, Chive, Scallion).

it's a metal handled frame lock model. just with the extra gripping side.
The blade lock is made of plastic and will break on the chive and scallion. You can't carry the knife after that because of the easy open feature. Looks like yours is the one I used last year to gut a deer. It's nice and sharp.
The blade lock is made of plastic and will break on the chive and scallion. You can't carry the knife after that because of the easy open feature. Looks like yours is the one I used last year to gut a deer. It's nice and sharp.

the blade lock is part of the metal frame on this one.
I just guted another one with the same knife and it worked great the second year too.