This just really annoys me....


Brown Belt
May 2, 2009
Reaction score
Tonawanda NY
It really bugs me when people people in general say how Im "kicking ***" because I am in martial arts, or that I must be picturing someone that I am "pissed off" at when I am performing and thats how I was able to kick or punch or break my board. UGH!

I wish they would realize how hard I work at getting my form down and executing a proper kick in order to be able to break a board.

Doesnt this bug you too?
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It really bugs me when people people in general say how Im "kicking a$$" because I am in martial arts, or that I must be picturing someone that I am "pissed off" at when I am performing and thats how I was able to kick or punch or break my board. UGH!

I wish they would realize how hard I work at getting my form down and executing a proper kick in order to be able to break a board.

Doesnt this bug you too?

You are kicking ***! Didn't you just kick some *** in a tourney? :D

No, it doesn't bother me. Truthfully. Its just small talk, and if the person is really interested, you can always make a comment about how it takes a lot of effort and focus to get there. :)
i have had allot of conversations with people on subjects like that. all you have to do is examin what they say and ask yourself " is that something a true martial artist would say?" if not then they must not be one, and ignore them, thats what i do.
It really bugs me when people people in general say how Im "kicking a$$" because I am in martial arts, or that I must be picturing someone that I am "pissed off" at when I am performing and thats how I was able to kick or punch or break my board. UGH!

I wish they would realize how hard I work at getting my form down and executing a proper kick in order to be able to break a board.

Doesnt this bug you too?

Thats nothing , wait till you start getting " Oh look out , here comes the killer ".

Closely followed by that other all time favourite , the very
badly done Bruce Lee impersonations complete with the obligatory sound effects.
It really bugs me when people people in general say how Im "kicking a$$" because I am in martial arts, or that I must be picturing someone that I am "pissed off" at when I am performing and thats how I was able to kick or punch or break my board. UGH!

I wish they would realize how hard I work at getting my form down and executing a proper kick in order to be able to break a board.

Doesnt this bug you too?

Hey, take it as a complement. Years ago, that was the reason I started MA. I found the best way to not get my butt kicked, was to "kick butt". Besides, I hear that you are a kick butt Professional Photographer, take it as it comes, it's all good.
It really bugs me when people people in general say how Im "kicking a$$" because I am in martial arts, or that I must be picturing someone that I am "pissed off" at when I am performing and thats how I was able to kick or punch or break my board. UGH!

I wish they would realize how hard I work at getting my form down and executing a proper kick in order to be able to break a board.

Doesnt this bug you too?

no, I started filtering out the comments after the first few hundred times it happened. :wink1:
Most of the people meant well, just didn't realize I have already heard that ten million times before.
Good comments.

I also think that folks don't know how to engage with things they don't seem to understand. Like if you're a musician, they say you're a rock star. If you make art, you're Picasso. They just don't understand it, and given how much you know is involved, can you really fault anyone for 'not getting it'?!
It bothers me, but not nearly as much as it bothers a friend of mine who performs at open mike nights when people ask if he'll perform for free at their parties. It's happened so many times I just ignore it; people who want to know will ask questions instead of making stereotypical comments, and people who don't want to know won't listen anyway - so why worry about it?
Nope. I have a friend who has nicknamed me "Ms. Trophy-winnin' ***-Kicker." I like it.
I guess I shouldnt let it bother me so much. I do think its funny how people keep saying how Im kicking *** but I guess I just have to get used to it lOL
It really bugs me when people people in general say how Im "kicking ***" because I am in martial arts, or that I must be picturing someone that I am "pissed off" at when I am performing and thats how I was able to kick or punch or break my board. UGH!

I wish they would realize how hard I work at getting my form down and executing a proper kick in order to be able to break a board.

Doesnt this bug you too?

Nope I generally tell them I got into it so all would fear me and/or to crush my enemies, see them driven before me, and to hear the lamentation of their women

That geneally puts a stop to any further discussioin :D