This is the TKD I Like

Yes Manny that is like the old days, still has rules and we need them for competition. Thanks for sharing .
More importantly...anyone notice that Tracy Morgan from SNL was the announcer?
Wow, that was WTF rules with no pads at all. Good stuff. With the new point system in WTF rules going back to unlimited scoring and 3 points for head and 2 point for spin kicks you will see more action.

Again good stuff when you take the pads off.
More importantly...anyone notice that Tracy Morgan from SNL was the announcer?

You are correct! Very odd choice, I thought.

Excellent fight! Few pads, full contact, lots of action. Ya can't beat that!
Gee... I wonder why this is not what Olympic Taekwondo is like... ('twas sarcastic, just in case)
you know, that could have been well recieved if ESPN had advertised it correctly. There were only a few matches, but they were good ones. It's fairly recent, within the last year or so. But it was never advertised. Why do all the good stuff fizzle out so quickly.

I would have been a die hard watcher. I watch any and all fights, mma, tkd, boxing. i just love the skill and stategy aspect of it.
I never heard of it before this thread, but I like it and wish I could see more like it.
Gee... I wonder why this is not what Olympic Taekwondo is like... ('twas sarcastic, just in case)

I wonder it too!!! and I am not sarcastic.I think that the WTF sparrimg has lost a lot of beauty and efectiveness with the scoring system (now electronic), this is the TKD I love and Love to wach too.

I wonder it too!!! and I am not sarcastic.I think that the WTF sparrimg has lost a lot of beauty and efectiveness with the scoring system (now electronic), this is the TKD I love and Love to wach too.

It is almost the same. The rules of engageement were the same. The point system (not scoring) was the same. The only difference is that they took off the pads.

Still no head punching. Still gave more points to the face or head than to the body. Still had judges determining the points (just no monitor for the fighters and spectators to know).

Pretty much the same. But why was the action so much more? Because it was on TV and I bet they got paid. I have talked to a few top fighters and they all said that money would motivate them more. Money, money, money.

Think about it. As it is you get nothing for doing any of these tournaments now, maybe a medal and a trophy at best. But toss in money and now you got something to fight for other than pride or bragging rights.

No pad, on TV, and money is what made this appear different.
You are right ATC if players was making money they probaly would give a better show.