This is just way WAY too Minority Report creepy


Senior Master
Nov 18, 2005
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From AdAge:

Hear Voices? It May Be an Ad

An A&E Billboard 'Whispers' a Spooky Message Audible Only in Your Head in Push to Promote Its New 'Paranormal' Program

By Andrew Hampp

Published: December 10, 2007
NEW YORK ( -- New Yorker Alison Wilson was walking down Prince Street in SoHo last week when she heard a woman's voice right in her ear asking, "Who's there? Who's there?" She looked around to find no one in her immediate surroundings. Then the voice said, "It's not your imagination."

Indeed it isn't. It's an ad for "Paranormal State," a ghost-themed series premiering on A&E this week. The billboard uses technology manufactured by Holosonic that transmits an "audio spotlight" from a rooftop speaker so that the sound is contained within your cranium. The technology, ideal for museums and libraries or environments that require a quiet atmosphere for isolated audio slideshows, has rarely been used on such a scale before. For random passersby and residents who have to walk unwittingly through the area where the voice will penetrate their inner peace, it's another story.

I'm very opposed to vandalism and property destruction. But for this I might be willing to make an exception.

Or not. I can imagine public service ads urging schizophrenics to get help...
Or not. I can imagine public service ads urging schizophrenics to get help...
Oh yeah, so the guy standing in the corner of the elevator slapping his head and whispering between his teeth saying: "shut up all of you! SHUT UP!" isn't really just hearing voices... he's trying to save his money.

To me it's an invasion of privacy where someone else's ideas are in your head. Outside stimulants I can ignore: signs, lights, sounds, smells, etc. But if something is going to be intruding beyond those senses... then hey... like Bugs Bunny says: "Of course you know that this means war!"
say Hi to big brother everybody.
Nah, this is a transmitter...Big Brother will be placing recievers!:wink2:

I think you were joking about the schizophrenics getting help, Todd, but I certainly do wonder if something like this couldn't cause an episode onset for someone who truly had a delusional disorder.
I don't need anything whispering anything in my head, its confusing enough in there! :p
Uh.... ick. I think Andy has it pegged - just because they can doesn't mean they should.
I don't need anything whispering anything in my head, its confusing enough in there! :p

For you and I both sister!
Lord knows I would really dislike this, really dislike it!
Yea... the technology we have now a days is crazy. A lot of what I have learned so far on the security side of things never ceases to blow my mind. It doesn't surprise me that they would start using some of this in advertisements.
I wonder, if someone walked through the space and then fell down and complained of headaches, if they would remove it. I really dislike the idea of non-vlaid law suits but in this case, I have a feeling that the people would not win on the idea of invasion of privacy or some other idea, but if it caused pain and suffering then it might just might be removed.

I do not like the idea. But then again I do nto like a lot of things that are being done. I guess I am too old.
OK.... for ads... I don't like this at all.

But, as a cop... I could have some serious fun and use for this sort of technology! Target one person in a crowd, and tell them to stop, go forward, whatever. Identify the leaders of a mob, and have a directed dialogue with them... Get a driver's attention since they don't notice lights, sirens, and air horns...

Or just screw with someone's head!

"This is Gawd... I see what you're doing. You'd better stop, or the cops are gonna get you!"
I think you were joking about the schizophrenics getting help, Todd, but I certainly do wonder if something like this couldn't cause an episode onset for someone who truly had a delusional disorder.

Oh Hell, yes! That was a joke. And it really could set someone off on an episode.
They're just going to have to take a number. I already have too many voices in here vying for attention.

This reminds me of a hotel we stayed at in St. Louis one time. There was an arch in the lobby with a groove that ran from one side up and over to the other side. You could whisper in the groove and the person on the other side could hear it.

Correction, it was Union Station. But it had a hotel in it.
aww man i have enough of a time trying to keep my own thoughts in order... now if they are going to be adding extra junk up there... i might as well give up now.
I hope people are complaining about this to the powers that be, somethings just shouldn't be allowed unregulated....besides what happens when someone hacks into something like this and changes the message, bet you no one looked into the security of these things before they installed them....