This healthy living is stressfull!


Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 8, 2007
Reaction score
In Pain
It's week...I think around 3-4 now, losing count already....

after several a-ha moments I got myself and my kid off our collective butts.
Started exercising, and also changing nutrition around.

And now I am finding myself cooking the whole day to the point that can't get anything else done!
Sheesh, even the dishes pile up in the sink...while the dishwasher is going no less.

On the plus side, my guys (even my husband, who normally cooks) like my creations. I think they are also much healthier than what we are used to having.

But golly, as much as I am enjoying coming up with new stuff, I need to clean house in a big way, deal with three or more projects of mine...scouts (two groups) and day needs to be longer. I have not even logged into my game since Saturday!

I need longer days!
It is, isn't it?

I had the huge concert with my band on Saturday, then did 3 hours of trail work on Sunday. After the trail work was over, one of the rangers took me out exploring...6 hours later I got back to my car. I'm kinda glad to be back at know, so I can take it easy for a few days :D
I made spaghetti squash tonight...the guys liked it...

I think it was high time to cook it though....the seeds had begun to sprout on the inside

I want to go back on the trail...I think I tasted blood on the DeSotto Scout Trail...might have to drag the kid out to Mt Cheaha...
I start section hiking the AT in two weeks. I could hike 100 miles a year and not finish before I am 65. Thats a bit dauntimg.
hey, gives you something to look forward to! ;)
Cook in bulk! Save tons of time and cooked food generally lasts longer than fresh. Also stock up on as much frozen stuff as you can (preferably the microwaveable kind), it saves time and money. I re-invented my diet and workouts at the end of last year, with 3 jobs and school, time was the only thing i didnt have, microwaveable veggies and meats are a life saver.

I will have to revamp the cooking.
But we have one more schedule change to go next week: School starts back. I won't be cooking the lunch then. But of couse that opens me up to not eating.....
I asked my husband to give me some input for the menu, so I would not have to run to the store everyday for other than milk and vegetables...he looked at me 'I was wanting to ask you to fix me something I could take for lunch!'
I love it when a plan comes together!
cans of tuna and chicken are great to have. Or cook chicken breasts, place bowl of stand mixer (if you have one) and turn on low, the beater will make perfectly shredded chicken, which can then me put in the fridge or frozen and used for just about anything

Dude...the canned chicken is nasty! Not even my cats will touch that!

But the mixer idea is awesome!
I start section hiking the AT in two weeks. I could hike 100 miles a year and not finish before I am 65. Thats a bit dauntimg.

BTW, when you get to the trail head in Georgia, let me now! I'll chase you down the DeSoto Trail for a warmup! :)
Soooo glad I don't have to do the 'healthy' thing anymore. Ditch the kids and hubby, have a scotch for dinner...and you'll be quite healthy. ;)
Soooo glad I don't have to do the 'healthy' thing anymore. Ditch the kids and hubby, have a scotch for dinner...and you'll be quite healthy. ;)

LOL, I am more of a fruit gal: Make mine wine!
I was hoping you would be close enough to meet up!!! Going to start in NH on Mt. Mousilauke but hope to hike Springer within the year.

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I was hoping you would be close enough to meet up!!! Going to start in NH on Mt. Mousilauke but hope to hike Springer within the year.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2

I hear the north end is rough...
I am about 2 hours from Ft Payne, which is probably less than an hour from the southern trail head...but it seems like you have to hike there to hike out! Really weird!
Hooray for healthy food! My favorite! As for cooking tips, leftovers, my friend! Make 'em, eat 'em soon - it really takes down on the cooking time/effort. Also, see if you can draft help (maybe your kids?). It's good for everyone to cook, and to learn to cook, and to be connected to their food like that. Certainly helps with building and maintaining good habits. In my house, everyone cooks, including lunches (we homeschool). But it's fun, especially since the rule is you make what you want, so long as it's reasonable.

But I hear you on the time and dishes. We're always a sinkful behind it seems. And with the severe food allergies we have to work with (and thus me baking all of our bread each week...!), we're always always cooking. But I've learned to love it, and learned to love cooking at weird times. Anyone else here cook midafternoon or after dinner to prepare for the next meal or the one after that?