Third-hand smoke also bad for you: study

Rich Parsons

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Oct 13, 2001
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By AFP - Tue Feb 9, 2:20 AM PST

WASHINGTON (AFP) - You know smoking is bad for you. You know inhaling someone else's smoke is bad for you. Now a US study says third-hand smoke -- tobacco residue clinging to surfaces -- is also bad for you

When a cigarette burns, nicotine is released in the form of a vapor that collects and condenses on indoor surfaces such as walls, carpeting, drapes and furniture, where it can linger for months, said the study, which was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).

"Our study shows that when this residual nicotine reacts with ambient nitrous acid it forms carcinogenic tobacco-specific nitrosamines, or TSNAs," said Hugo Destaillats, a corresponding author of the study.
Glad to see our money is going to educate those that cannot figure anything out like this. I mean how come people just do not know any better.
Numerous times, when the kids were living at home, I made them strip off their clothes and leave then outside, when they returned home from parties, reeking of cigarette smoke. Health hazard or not, the smell to a non-smoker is totally offensive. :asian:
It won't be long before smoking is just going to be illegal - and government control or not, I'm all for it. Even with it being banned indoors, I am still constantly assaulted by smokers blowing smoke in my face outdoors and cigarette butts all over the place. I'm all for freedom and doing whatever you want, but when it impacts others like that.......not so much. Granted, a lot of things will kill you, but this is one that you have no control over others doing.
Well when they start touting how bad 8th hand smoke is for everyone then I'll quit...
Got a wee bit left to go.

If they really REALLY want to get folks to quit smoking... then banning it from indoors and raising taxes on them ain't gonna do it... making it illegal isn't going to help either (hint: look at how well the DRUG war is going?)... Just shut down the tobacco companies and the lobbyists.
But of course with SO MUCH tax revenue being generated .... why would they kill one of their golden geeses eh?
I didn't know that dangerous compounds from cigarette smoke residue could be absorbed through the skin. Terry and Andy, I'm amazed that you gentlemen knew this. Amazed.