Thinking of starting Aikido


Black Belt
Feb 5, 2004
Reaction score
Oxford, UK
Anyone here practice Aikido and is it effective for self defence? I am thinking of starting Aikido. There are about 3 different classes near to where I live, one actually emphasises using realistic techniques against Aikido to demonstrate its effectiveness. The classes are quite cheap too but I was also thinking of doing White Crane kung fu which would have more striking and grappling as well as throws but then again with Aikido you can defend yourself without serious injuring someone!
There are several other threads that address this topic, if you do a search you can probably find the information that you're looking for.

The short answer is yes, aikido is effective for self defense, as are every other martial art. It will take you longer to be able to use it, and despite your intention not to seriously injure someone, if they can't fall and you throw them they could be seriously injured. I would recommend that you visit the different schools in your area and make a determination based on what you see, and your personal preference and personality. Good luck.
I also think that this would be a thread to go into the Aikido section. I agree with Morph, the best idea to see if you'd be interested in any martial art is to visit the schools in your area. Observe the class and decide whether or not that style and school would be something you're interested in. Also don't just jump on the first school you come across.
I won't go into the spiritual answers that you see around...
Is Aikido effective? Yes and no, just like any other Martial Art. The main point is that Aikido to be effective requires longer time of study than other Martial Arts.
I would say go and take few classes and see if you like it. I must admit that Aikido itself is rather addictive. But if you are looking for an immediate self defense Martial Art then I would suggest go for another Martial Art.

The fact of not injuring someone it is completely up to you. In every Martial Art you can use technique limiting the damage and injury. True the Aikido philosophy is not hurting the attacker, but every technique in Aikido if done quick and well will leat you easily break the attacker's bones. Not to mention that throwing one person on the concrete will always create an injury unless the attacker is very well aware of how to fall.
The short answer is yes, aikido is effective for self defense, as are every other martial art. It will take you longer to be able to use it, and despite your intention not to seriously injure someone, if they can't fall and you throw them they could be seriously injured. I would recommend that you visit the different schools in your area and make a determination based on what you see, and your personal preference and personality. Good luck.

Well said Morph...I wish karma had not conspired against me and I was able to remain in the Aikido class I took many years ago, I was really enjoying myself..No it wasn't easy, but even back then I could see the SD applications...
Aikido is very addictive, and yes it is quite effective. But as previously stated, takes a very long time to become efficient at it. Aikido is not just a martial art, but a martial way, a path. But can it be used in a "real" situation, of course, just like any other art out there.