There's Luck, and Then There's Luck...


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Terre Haute, IN

Shayna Richardson was making her first solo skydiving jump when she had trouble with her parachutes and, while falling at about 50 mph, hit face first in a parking lot.

Although badly hurt, she survived — and doctors treating her injuries discovered she was pregnant. Four surgeries and two months later, Richardson said she and the fetus are doing fine.

Face first on a parking lot at 50mph! That's a heck of an impact.

She broke her pelvis in two places, broke her leg, lost six teeth and now has 15 steel plates.

"I went into the first surgery where they cut me from ear to ear and they cut my face down and they took out all the fractured egg-shelled bones and put in steel plates," Richardson said.

During treatment, doctors found that Richardson was pregnant, which was a surprise to her. She said she would not have jumped had she known.

"To hit the ground belly first — that's dangerous. I mean at any stage of pregnancy that's dangerous. That's not something you want to do let alone at 50 miles per hour," Richardson said.

Her fall was videotaped and Richardson said she was able to watch it

Talk about being lucky. She's used up her luck for the rest of her life!
I just read that article a few minutes ago...freaky occurance...I am glad the baby survived ok....
:idunno: And the crazy thing is...

Richardson said her due date is June 25. She said she plans to make her next parachute jump in August.

She must really love skydiving/parachuting so much that even a bad accident like she had wouldn't stop her....

- Ceicei

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