The Yin-Yang Secrets Invention.

Of course you have not seen because I have not shown.

But one member on this forum has seen it and I am waiting for his thoughts.

There is more to that symbol than meets the eye my dears.

Here's the thing...

You're making vague pronouncements, hinting at wisdom and knowledge. When you've been challenged on the accuracy of your claims... you haven't backed them up with anything.

Right now -- you just seem to be a self-inflated wanna-be poser guru. You claim to have the funding and to be about to share your wisdom with the world; how about telling us the title or name of the release? Or even a date?

Sorry -- I'm extremely skeptical of metaphysical crap from anonymous people who seem unable to back up their claims at all.

But good luck with it...
Now it is a week later....... and still no world changing revelation.

I'm thinking we got dragon droppings instead, and not from a prophet but :troll: