the Wortac

I picked up a Timberline Wortac mini and Emerson mini-Commander for EDC purposes about five months ago, after handling a couple that my father in law purchased.

The Wortac is an AWESOME knife for the money. My only gripe is the button on the blade. But ten minutes on a lathe will cure that soon enough.

The Emerson for some reason is not as "Slick" as the Wortac, or my CQC-7......

I plan to get a larger version of the Wortac REAL soon.
I played with my instructor's Wortac quite a bit this past week and continue to find it a very nice blade. The main thing that strikes me is how easy it opens and how comfortable the grip is.
I received yesterday a Wortac folder I had ordered, based on recommendations here and playing with the one Mr. Worden had given to Mr. Hartman. It's smaller than Mr. Hartman's--I started with an inexpensive version--but otherwise the same design (or so it appears to me). I'll have to play with it for a while. I may well want the larger version.
Hey Arnisador
Congrats on your new toy!!!
Down the road I would get both sizes... The small one you can carry for everyday use or protection, and the larger one you can carry when you are out hunting some big game!!!!!!!

Hi all,

I recently ordered a small Wortac because my AFCK disappeared somewhere, budget being a big issue I figured I couldn't miss with a $35 gamble. I just got it in the mail and have been having some issues regarding methods of opening it. My old AFCK had the Spyderco hole, so I'm used to a thumbswipe open. I also carried it tip-up, so that I could "flick" it open (hey it has titanium liners, and it did seem like the fastest open I could get with it). I've been packing this AFCK around for about 6 years now, so I'm pretty dang comfortable with it. So no suprise the Wortac seemed to be a little strange in the hand.

How are people getting a fast open with this knife? The thumbstud doesn't lend itself to a thumb swipe, as it almost requires a push perpendicular to the handle to get the blade open. Besides with the tip-down carry you have to draw (assuming a pants pocket carry here), readjust your grip to the handle, then do the thumbswipe for the open.

I can't "flick" this knife, the blade seems to seat very hard into the handle. I tried to play with the torx nut to modify the blade resistance, but got too much wobble in the blade after very little adjustment, so I went back to factory settings.

I seem to be settling on a handle drop opening, but I'd like to hear how others are managing this, or if they have any suggestions.


PS Oh yeah, what did you do about the clip? The thing is so inflexible, I damn near ripped my jeans trying to get it to clip to my pocket. Mine has a date with a pair of pliers.

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