"The world has never seen such freezing hea"

Would that be reason #56786 the radical environmentalists switched after over a decade of screeching "GLOBAL WARMING" to sreeching "GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE" so they could avoid admitting the man-caused global warming they claimed was going to be the doom of us all didn't exist, except where manipulated graphs and made up consensuses did?
Best to leave that particular dead horse alone, perhaps?

We've been over that poor carcass every year that I've been here and the only conclusion we ever reach is that there is no compromising between the ideologicaly committed of both sides of the story (I won't dignify it by calling what we've seen here as a debate).

It's not a surprise to find that errors (we must be polite after all :D) have been made in the collection of global temperature data. Huge data sets make for the possibility of 'false logging' and it's seen in every statistical endeavour. It is mightily embarassing for the organisation in question tho' :lol:.
Best to leave that particular dead horse alone, perhaps?

We've been over that poor carcass every year that I've been here and the only conclusion we ever reach is that there is no compromising between the ideologicaly committed of both sides of the story (I won't dignify it by calling what we've seen here as a debate).

It's not a surprise to find that errors (we must be polite after all :D) have been made in the collection of global temperature data. Huge data sets make for the possibility of 'false logging' and it's seen in every statistical endeavour. It is mightily embarassing for the organisation in question tho' :lol:.


Search MT and you will See

Global Warming does not mean the ENTIRE globe is getting warmer. It means that the average temperature is getting warmer and that, and this may come as a shock, unless you go read the multiple posts, that some places will get hotter and drier, some places will get colder and drier, some places will get hotter and more wet and some places will get colder and more wet. Basically it is a global climate change with an average of warmer than cooler places globally. It does not mean you cannot get record snow falls. It does mean that you can get weather abnormalities. However as a professor of mine once said. It is possible that the planet is self correcting and if so those corrections likely tend to be catastrophic.

Any further posts here I believe I will just link to old Global warming stuff on MT
Would that be reason #56786 the radical environmentalists switched after over a decade of screeching "GLOBAL WARMING" to sreeching "GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE"

Actually, it wasn't the "radical environmentalists" who started popularizing the term "global climate change." It was President George W. Bush. The term "global climate change" allowed him to address the issue as transcient fluctuations in local climates, rather than the overall increase in average global temperature implied by the term "global warming." The terms are not really interchangeable.