The workout


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
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Grand Prairie Texas
At my school we do one thing everyday and that is cardio and alot of it, what is the one thing that your school does everyday that helps you in your traing?
I have done this before but really what is the one thing you do day in a nd day out?

He does that every single time and it is very effective. He use to have us to 12 peices of brocade (about 10 years ago) but we no longer do that first, now it is just the long form.

But also the Long form is done every single time as well before anything else.

With my most recent Xingyi sifu it was stance training and be quiet every single time.

Sanda, I hit stuff until after it hurts and try and keep up with my sifu.

Way back in my TKD days we did situps push ups and jogging

Jujitsu a lot of stretching and then falling and throws
basic warming up and then the basic punching and kicking forms. after that we learn something new or revise what we learn.
Kata. Cuong Nhu puts alot of empasis on Kata and perfect technique. We drill Kata constanently.
We rotate most of our drills, but we never fail to do the 24 palms ba gua qi gong. Sometimes we do it in a big circle, sometimes we break up into smaller circles (the energy is different for both), but we do that form every single session. While we are walking the circle, we concentrate on different aspects... lower hip walking, smooth transitions, waist twisting etc. There is so much complexity and subtlety in the form... i love it and really look forward to it.
If you want a workout that will improve your fighting, you have to do it on your own time IMO. Depending an a slice of MA class PT isnt going to cut it.

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Regardless of the core content of the particular class, they all start with forward snap kicks and rear kicks, the first two kicks taught in the system. This is true even in the advanced classes. The expected level of performance is just a lot higher.
If you want a workout that will improve your fighting, you have to do it on your own time IMO. Depending an a slice of MA class PT isnt going to cut it.


I tell my students that class IS NOT for conditioning, it's for learning. We do some basic calisthenics to warm up and to give students tools to exercise on their own, and we drill... But the idea isn't to give the student a great workout. That's what cardio-kickboxing, running, and other stuff that would just eat up class time is for. Do it on your own time...