The Warrior Within?

Recently I purchased a copy of this MA documentary. Although the music and clothing is dated (mid 70's) the video gives a good feeling for the MA practitioners of that time.

I would recommend it highly especially for a MA historian or just to see how it was about 30years ago. Also it touches on all of the MA.

Have Fun!

Dave Simmons
Originally posted by stella

Anybody out there has seen The Warrior Within with Chuck Norris? Your comments will be appreciated.

I absolutely loved it!! I first saw this many years ago and lent it to someone who lent it to someone, and never saw it again until recently. It was just as good now as then.

It was recorded in 1976 and many of the people in the documentary are no longer with us, but the calibre of martial skills is breathtaking. I work in tv media field, including docudrama, and I highly recommend this documentary to everyone. It’s really inspirational.

There are people on there who have done some forms of Kenpo, like the absolutely incredible Ron Taganashi, but primarily it is a tape of various forms of martial arts, i.e.

Moses Powell, Sanuces-ryu Jiu-Jitsu
Hui Cambrelen, Tiger Claw
Florendo Vistacion, Vee-Arnis-Jitsu
Thomas La Puppet, Karate
Wai Hong, Tiger Claw

And the list goes on. Also, you may not recognize many of these great masters of their arts mainly because many have passed on, so this video is more then a tribute to Bruce Lee, it is a tribute to these great men and women of the not to distant past in Western martial arts.


I loved it.
But then I am an old Fart. Excellent in its insights and with people who had diffenately earned their rank.
I am old enough and was privaledged enough in my youth to meet many of the poeople in this fim, Although I was very low in rank my instructor introduced me to some of the "greats" and I will always be thankful to him for that. This film brings back many memories (for me) of those people and encounters.
Not the best techniquely sound film but very good for anyone who really wants to know what and who some of the movers in the arts where.
The film just came out in DVD and can be seen worldwide!
I thought it was great, although it didn't get very good reviews either in the press on on many of the forums.

The same can be said for "The President's Man" which I liked too.

Has anyone seen the sequal.
So far it's seems not to be worth buying going by eveyones opinions.
Originally posted by fist of fury

So far it's seems not to be worth buying going by eveyones opinions.

Yup, didn't like when I first bought and still don't like it much after watching it again after seeing this thread.

I enjopyed this film very much. Mayeb I enjoyed it because my Instructor gave it to me to watch and told me a few things to look at. It was meant to be a tribute to Bruce Lee and I dont think that that came across very well in the film, however as stated already, it did contain some very important martial arts figures of the time and on top of that many of them have carried over and are or at the time of death were still very important martial artists. I also had the priveledge of meeting Grandmaster Chaka Zulu, one of the gentlemen in the film, I think one very important thing about this film is the fact that these gentlemen talked to the acmera as the are they did not have a script they acted on tape as the act or acted in life, there attitudes and beliefs relay through the fil very well. If perhaps you wonder what he was like look on the tape it is quit possible youll know what he was like by his stories and emotions towards questions.
I have it and found it to be a very interesting look on the martial artists of the seventies.

Although i wouldnt say it was worth the price it retails at.

I have it on vhs and I think its a good, not great, documentary. It may have aged some but some of the demos comments are cool. Since its on dvd now, I will definitely buy it