The Vanishing Flame: Born Warriors (Mynamar/Burma bare knuckle ) Promo Trailer

i got straight into the vids off the link :)

love that - i'm off to see if it's available on amazon yet :)

looks like another version of muay thai :) from what i've heard they can use their heads as weapons too so it's not all punching/elbows/knees/kicking you've also got to worry about that headbutt too :) looks like a right laugh :)
i got straight into the vids off the link :)

love that - i'm off to see if it's available on amazon yet :)

looks like another version of muay thai :) from what i've heard they can use their heads as weapons too so it's not all punching/elbows/knees/kicking you've also got to worry about that headbutt too :) looks like a right laugh :)

I would describe Lethwei as a sister art to Muay Thai. Some might say it's tougher, since traditionally, Muay Thai doesn't use or allow headbutts, but Lethwei does... ;) Burma and Thailand border each other, and fought often in wars. They were also often run over by the major powers in the region, and occupied. Their kickboxing arts developed alongside each other, and often fighting each other. There's a lot of similarity -- but some differences, too, reflecting some differences in mind set/philosophy. Also... Thai boxing survived as an active, professional sport, while Lethwei languished for a while as little more than a hobby/holiday sport.
Well muay borang is also the art of nine limbs, what's the differences beside the head butt? Muay borang also has trips/throw and joint locks if I'm not mistaken...
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so what you're saying is that Mauy Borang is the complete no holds barred version of Muay Thai ?????

MB also sounds like the complete package for destroying a person too --- luuuurrrrvely :)

does anyone know where there's a centre training in Muay Borang in northern england ????? looks like a proper riot -- in fact you'd be able to create your own hell in one room ;) niiiiiiiice ;)

what else is involved in muay borang that isn't covered in muay thai ?????

still looks like a proper laugh though - i still laugh about what MT was like when i first started and finding things that were legal that looked illegal (to me anyways) and just couldn't stop laughing about it and now i hear about Muay Borang and it being a more violent version of MT --- sorry guys but you'll have to form a queue behind me ;)
see muay boran thread for more info and violence ;) niiiiiiice :)

am def going along to see if i can cut the mustard with those guys --- prolly end up dead before the end of the first round LoL :)
Muay Boran has styles like muay chaiya, muay korat--socheck for those
This new burmese dvd won't be out until Nov from what i heard
From what I've heard, and I'm not talking about personal experience, you won't learn Muay Boran outside of Malaysia or the surrounding area.

True Muay Boran is not taught to everybody because it is simply considered too dangerous by masters, so they only teach it to the select few disciples/students that they deem worthy.

That's what I've heard.

so what you're saying is that the training centre that's offering muay boran will more than likely be teaching muay thai labelled as muay boran ?????

i've found 3 centres in my part of the world that say they teach muay boran --- am thinking that given the similarities between muay thai and muay boran that the technique in the first will be applicable in the second and the few differences are likely to be "add ons" which i presume can be gleaned from books and dvd's etc............ ?????
wish I could have opened up the videos on that page but they would not open for me.
looks like an interesting project and some interesting history of the art might be there

thank you for the feedback, i've checked and i can watch the videos off my link.

i provided links to the channel as well - so you can go in that way as mentioned by destructautomaton