Senior Master
there have been several threads lately about rank, black belts, & promotions so i thought i'd pitch in my two cents. what it comes down to is respect within your community. if other practicioners from your style think that you're a joke as a martial artist then it won't matter what color of cloth is around your waist or how many stripes are on it. if you can't fight & you can't teach, you will not be able to hide these facts. now if all you want is a black belt so that you can tell non-MAists that you're a black belt, that's fine too. but don't expect others from the martial arts community to hold you in high esteem based on a couple of years training & a few hundred dollars (or much more) in testing fees.
this is an issue that i've put a good amount of thought into. i put in most of my early training time in non-ranked styles such as kickboxing & submission wrestling. it was frustrating because whenever i had a conversation about MA with a non-MAist, they would ask me if i had a black belt. which of course i didn't, & i could see many people stop listening once i told them so. i considered putting in a year or two an a local belt-factory just so i could claim a black belt, but decided against it. sure, outsiders might respect me more, but i would know what my belt was worth & so would others within my community.
on the other hand, belt-factories aren't a bad thing in & of themselves. many of them have done a good job of creating insulated communities where their accelerated rank is still respected. & that's okay; not everybody is looking to get the same things out of their training. if you got a black belt for getting off the couch a couple times a week & taking a class with your kids, i have no problem with that. but it's different from other black belts.
so when asking what rank means, or whether it's important, what you need to do is ask yourself what you are after. what amount of work do you have to put in for you to respect your rank? what community are you striving to be a part of, & what will they respect? in short, will you be legitimately proud of what you acheive?
just some thoughts,
this is an issue that i've put a good amount of thought into. i put in most of my early training time in non-ranked styles such as kickboxing & submission wrestling. it was frustrating because whenever i had a conversation about MA with a non-MAist, they would ask me if i had a black belt. which of course i didn't, & i could see many people stop listening once i told them so. i considered putting in a year or two an a local belt-factory just so i could claim a black belt, but decided against it. sure, outsiders might respect me more, but i would know what my belt was worth & so would others within my community.
on the other hand, belt-factories aren't a bad thing in & of themselves. many of them have done a good job of creating insulated communities where their accelerated rank is still respected. & that's okay; not everybody is looking to get the same things out of their training. if you got a black belt for getting off the couch a couple times a week & taking a class with your kids, i have no problem with that. but it's different from other black belts.
so when asking what rank means, or whether it's important, what you need to do is ask yourself what you are after. what amount of work do you have to put in for you to respect your rank? what community are you striving to be a part of, & what will they respect? in short, will you be legitimately proud of what you acheive?
just some thoughts,