The Ultimate Finale (spoilers)

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Holy smokes, did any of you watch this tonight? I just wanted to say that it was pretty awesome.

The fight between Stephan Bonnar and Forrest Griffin was simply INCREDIBLE. The most amazing fight I've ever seen.

I was also impressed with Diego, I think he'll be a solid fighter. His opponent was supposed to be a Blackbelt in BJJ, but he didn't look very solid on the ground during the series, or during this fight.

I must say though, I was quite disappointed with Shamrock...he fell twice lol.

But all in all, it was a good show.

Some of you may be wondering why I made a thread out of this...but if you saw the Bonnar vs Griffin fight...whew, I'm still thinking about it haha.
That Forrest - Bonnar fight was awesome. 15 minutes of action packed MMA fighting. Incredible.

But dammit...that Shamrock fight. I can't believe he did he NOT break Franklin's limb during that hold? It almost looked like he let go....

Some people are already calling work....which is possible, but I think Shamrock's age is setting it. It may be his downfall =(

I think that show but MMA on the map (especially that Bonnar-Griffin fight)...I expect MMA to make more TV appearances in the near future. In fact, I think Spike TV is even taking WWE off its network to make room for it.
The Forrest Griffith vs. Stephen Bonner fight was a great one. Any of you seen the IVC fights from Brazil. They are very similar not stop action pack fights.
Venomstrike said:
But dammit...that Shamrock fight. I can't believe he did he NOT break Franklin's limb during that hold? It almost looked like he let go....
Once Franklin rolled he couldn't apply enough pressure to sink it, he did let go, It looked like he was trying to transission into a different lock but lost it.

The complete lack of defence when he was in guard was a little... odd? But this come-back thing isn't working. He was a top fighter, but his body has taken so much punishment and so many injuries its amazing he isn't in a wheel chair...
sorry im a little lost on this thread is this some sort of reality tv show in the states

Yeah, it's a reality show here in the US on the Spike network. They took 16 MMA fighters and put him in a house in Las Vegas and they had to do challenges and fight to make it to the end. The prize was a contract with the UFC. They had light-heavyweights and middleweights this time, looks like next show will be heavyweights and welterweights. The finale was last night.
The Bonner/Griffin fight was the best UFC fight I have ever seen. I'm glad the management decided both of them deserved a contract. They'll both be assets to the group. I have to wonder, though, since the fight was not a PPV event how many people that have no idea what MMA is all about will be up in arms now screaming that the fights are too brutal (blood WAS drawn in 2 of 3) and start their usual crusade to have it banned.

As for Shamrock, yes, his lack of defence was more than a little odd. I think his statement after the fight spoke volumes and may have given a clue to what really happened..."I come in here and win I keep on going. I come in and lose and they build a new star off of me." Any one else feel that this was more of an exhibition match for passing the torch to the younger guys than a true fight?
I thought the first fight ended way shorter than it could have. Florian stayed on the ground at several times when it looked like he had an opening to get up. Sanchez just went back down and pounded him. It just shows what happens when people are so overconfident in their ground skills that they think that a standing opponent will go down to their level and grapple with them.

The second fight: Wow. It amazed me how much punishment both of those guys took. Bonnar got slammed into the cage repeatedly, and Griffin was bleeding fairly early. They both deserved the contracts, and I'm glad they both got them.

The "main event": Um. Yeah, it really seemed like Shamrock wasn't all there. He slipped twice, got hit in the face at the end 21 times (I counted on the replay), and didn't put forth a whole lot of effort in general.

I would have been happy to just see the second fight. Good Show.
I have to agree with everyone else and say the Griffin/Bonner was the best fight I have ever witnessed. Two class athletes with respect. You can't ask for anything better. As for Dana White, he did a fantastic thing by offering both of them a contract. :asian:
I love watching two guys just beat the living **** out of each other. The Griffin/Bonner fight was the best UFC match I have seen as far as brawls go. I cant say much for technique performance, or lack thereof, but for beating on a slab of meat it was great.

Shamrockblew it. His overly aggressive, unstyled wannabe high kicks put him on the floor both times he attempted them. Franklin was quick enough and skilled enough to see the opportunity Shamrock gave him. The fight was over after the slip.
theletch1 said:
As for Shamrock, yes, his lack of defence was more than a little odd. I think his statement after the fight spoke volumes and may have given a clue to what really happened..."I come in here and win I keep on going. I come in and lose and they build a new star off of me." Any one else feel that this was more of an exhibition match for passing the torch to the younger guys than a true fight?
I have a feeling that's what may have happened...they wanted to hype up the "rising star"...and what's better than having him beat a UFC legend to make him popular? I know Shamrock is old and a bit worn out...but man...his lack of defense just puzzled me. Shamrock has too much heart; I dont see how he could let the match go so easily.
I watched the show and have rewatched the tape of the Bonner/Griffin fight
three times already. That was what it's all about. True spirt and never saying "I' had enough".
Thumbs up to both of those guys
So, the 2nd time Shamrock fell, was clearly due to a very very poorly executed high kick. it made me think... this is why we don't do hgh kicks in Kempo :)

But the first time... I've watched it in slow motion about 5 times (thanks, ReplayTV) and I can't tell what he is trying to do! It is no slip - he appears to be trying to jump down to his knees at his opponents feet. Some kind of take down attempt? but he gets caught hard in the face on the way down. Any of you grapplers recognize what he was trying to do? is diving to your knees a real type of takedown technique?

and yeah, the UFC did the right thing offering Bonnar that contract. He really earned it.