The Truth about George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Looks like the facts show that Zimmerman was clearly defending himself. The facts also show that the media has been caught red handed in a clear case of race baiting. I hope they are held responsible for any damages that come from this verdict.

Here are the presenters sources.

Here are some results of the media's race baiting.

Civil unrest is beginning to hit US streets following the acquittal of George Zimmerman, with demonstrators smashing windows, attacking police cars, overturning dumpsters and setting fires in downtown Oakland.
One police car was daubed with the words “Kill Pigz” as American flags were torched. “Kill Zimmerman” was also scrawled on the Alameda County Court.​
Following a wave of threats to riot in major cities if Zimmerman was cleared of all charges, trouble flared up almost immediately after the verdict was announced late last night.​
Unrest appears to be confined to Oakland for the time being, with more peaceful protests taking place in San Francisco, Washington, DC, New York and Chicago.​
Twitter messages threatening to violently kill George Zimmerman continue to flood the social network.
A hoax is also circulating concerning a video of riots in Vancouver from 2011 which was falsely labeled as having taken place in Miami.
Hopefully some of the unrest seen in Oakland last night will remain limited and the wave of rioting threatened by many will not materialize.

Looks like the facts show that Zimmerman was clearly defending himself.
I don't think that there's any question that he was defending himself. To some, however, there is question as to how his actions leading up to the confrontation actually contributed to the outcome.

The facts also show that the media has been caught red handed in a clear case of race baiting. I hope they are held responsible for any damages that come from this verdict.
GZ was brought before a judge on criminal charges, so there was a question as to whether or not he was defending himself, in the legal sense.
Yes, there was. And he was acquitted. In the legal sense, there now is no question. There are people who disagree with the verdict, however I am not one of them.
There are people who enjoy fomenting unrest. Here in Seattle, we have a bunch of people who take part in any kind of protest with the specific intention of doing damage to the city, inciting violence and just generally causing trouble. My belief is that the people who are genuinely agitated by the Martin verdict are not the ones committing crimes. I believe that for those rioting and causing trouble, the martin verdict is an excuse and not a reason.
he was acquitted. In the legal sense, there now is no question. There are people who disagree with the verdict, however I am not one of them.

Me neither. What I disagree with is the rush to canonize him. In the moral sense, I haven't acquitted him yet. They both bear some responsibility there.
There are people who enjoy fomenting unrest. Here in Seattle, we have a bunch of people who take part in any kind of protest with the specific intention of doing damage to the city, inciting violence and just generally causing trouble.[...] I believe that for those rioting and causing trouble, the martin verdict is an excuse and not a reason.

I've seen protests happen so quickly in S.F. that you'd think there were people waiting like firefighters to spring into action at a moment's notice. I know what you mean.
Me neither. What I disagree with is the rush to canonize him. In the moral sense, I haven't acquitted him yet. They both bear some responsibility there.
I am on exactly the same page. Both men contributed to the eventual outcome. While Zimmerman may have broken no laws, his actions did contribute to the final outcome. I don't see a need to canonize him, but I also see no need to vilify him either.

As I said elsewhere, with the right conflation of events, any of us could end up in his position (prior to the shooting) and have those decisions placed before us. It's easy to say 'I wouldn't have done that,' or 'I would have done this instead,' but until the moment is upon us we don't really know exactly what we'd do. Each moment is different. Zimmerman was already on edge due to events in the neighborhood prior to the shooting, which changes one's frame of mind and affects one's judgement.
Me neither. What I disagree with is the rush to canonize him. In the moral sense, I haven't acquitted him yet. They both bear some responsibility there.

If I am wrong, please correct me. From what I understand, Zimmerman disengaged, and Martin came back to engage and in fact hit Zimmerman with little or no warning (other than the re-engagement and verbal monkey dance). Up to that point Zimmerman was pretty much the concerned citizen in a gated neighborhood. Of course, much of that is implied or stated by Zimmerman. But some is backed up by witnesses.

I am on exactly the same page. Both men contributed to the eventual outcome. While Zimmerman may have broken no laws, his actions did contribute to the final outcome. I don't see a need to canonize him, but I also see no need to vilify him either.


I think canonize is not a good choice of words. On the other hand, maybe not, considering how many have gone out of their way to vilify him.
If I am wrong, please correct me. From what I understand, Zimmerman disengaged, and Martin came back to engage and in fact hit Zimmerman with little or no warning (other than the re-engagement and verbal monkey dance). Up to that point Zimmerman was pretty much the concerned citizen in a gated neighborhood. Of course, much of that is implied or stated by Zimmerman. But some is backed up by witnesses.

I think canonize is not a good choice of words. On the other hand, maybe not, considering how many have gone out of their way to vilify him.

I had a reply that I was about to post, but I decided to fact check myself and at this point, I am going to change my perspective somewhat. I reread Zimmerman's account and according to the transcript, he was asked if he was pursuing and when he said yes, they told him he didn't need to, at which point, he broke it off. Martin then (according to Zimmerman) confronted him on the way back to his vehicle.

To those of you with whom I have engaged in debate on the point of Zimmerman's pursuit of Martin, my apologies. I was mistaken in my info and must change my position. I am posting this in another thread where most of the debating occurred.