The Technic Most Done In fighting is......

Here, I'll fix it for you:

The Technic Most Done In SPARRING is...... Feinting, (Fakes) Anybody care to answer why this is so.

First, I don't know that feinting is the most often used technique. Second, when it is done, it is done for the reason specified by the word 'fake'. One wishes to misdirect the opponent. This can be done to conceal the actual attack, to draw the opponent off-balance, to get the opponent to commit to a defense against a non-existent attack and attack them elsewhere, or to gauge an opponents reaction times, find their tells, and see what ruse they might be susceptible to. A feint can also include making it appear that there is a hole in one's own defenses, for the purposes of drawing the opponent into an unwise attack.

In self-defense, feinting is probably not done as often as in sparring, although it can have its place. Feinting always involves a certain element of risk that it won't work, which leaves the person feinting vulnerable temporarily. Sparring is calculated risk. Self-defense is life-or-death, and one would probably want to be as conservative as possible in terms of sticking one's neck out.

Just a few thoughts from a MA newbie. Feel free to ignore.
Because the best fake is a real strike, therefor every strike you use is a fake. Good?
thank you but i did mean real world fighting
In a real world fight -- feints are seldom used tactics. Real violence tends to use surprise and violence of execution more than distraction and deception.
Is sucker punching a feint? It is what I see being done more than anything else.

1) What makes you think this is so?

2) What are you using to base this opinion off of?

**pssssttt.... he already has his answer & is looking for somebody to agree with him without knowing it... pass it on**
Terry & Jade I think covered the bases on "the technic [sic] most done in fighting"...

I always thought it was:

"Hey! Look over there!"



Anyway, I think untrained/unsure folks go for the "feints" in a fight. They don't realize that your toe is already in the water. You might as well jump in. On the street, you're wasting time with a feint. Could you be confusing this "feint" with trembling hands? Because that's just fear. And fear is the mind-killer.