The tale of the tape


Orange Belt
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Near Chicago, IL
My wife video taped my testing for Brown belt yesterday. I suppose it would have been helpful to do the same when I was at White, so I could see the change. I executed the form, one step, etc ok, just that I looked a little more lumbering than I anticipated/hoped. Might have something to do with being 50, 6' 1" and 210 lbs. I get the sense that most dojangs do not use video to record progress, why?
That would be alot of video tape for some clubs and the extra organising of it could be difficult. Could be a waste of time too with a lot of people dropping out.
On the other note, did you pass your grading?
They don't want to scare their customers away?

bad enough we now have mirrors..... :D
It also is hard to incorporate into a class setting. Transfering it to a watchable item for the student outside of class isn't smooth. It's a great idea, tho.

We use video to send a BB test to our GM for his approval.
Iceman, I don't see how it would be hard to video in a classroom setting, then it's just a matter of distributing CD's or posting on a secure place on your web site. I see it as a helpful tool for students to visualize their progress and areas to improve.

Yes I did pass the grade, another sticking point with me is due to necessity of 80% of the average dojang's business being kids, they are reluctant to hold anyone back, The test here consists of a few drills, non contact sparring, form, 3 one steps and breaking.

I also amongst the believers in not granting black/poom belts to kids, with an exception or one 2, in my dojang the ones under 12 or so do not adequately represent the minimum skill set required for a black belt. just my opinion
I videotape my students periodically. I used to transfer the video to videotape, but I now have students who don't have VCRs... I bought a DVD burner I can download my camera through. I don't do it very often, though - perhaps once a year - and more impact comes from showing them the tape immediately after making it than from having a copy for themselves, I think.
I have an old video camera and a monitor in the basement where I have the kicking bag. I do not use it during a "generic" session but I will use it if I am practicing a new kick, new form or trying to change the way I do something because I have been told in the dojang it is not right.

The taping and the playback (usually instant replay for me) works well. It helps me see things I would otherwise have missed.

Taping a pre-test would be great. That way the student can take it home and see all the things they needed to correct before the actual test.

We do not tape anybody at our do-jang, I think cost and organisation are the factors holding it back.
Iceman, I don't see how it would be hard to video in a classroom setting, then it's just a matter of distributing CD's or posting on a secure place on your web site. I see it as a helpful tool for students to visualize their progress and areas to improve.

Yes I did pass the grade, another sticking point with me is due to necessity of 80% of the average dojang's business being kids, they are reluctant to hold anyone back, The test here consists of a few drills, non contact sparring, form, 3 one steps and breaking.

I also amongst the believers in not granting black/poom belts to kids, with an exception or one 2, in my dojang the ones under 12 or so do not adequately represent the minimum skill set required for a black belt. just my opinion

It's difficult if you don't have the equipment &/or knowledge of how to make CD's for the students. It's also time consuming. I'm glad you are able to it. I wish I could.