The Tag-Team Defense...


Purple Belt
I thought you guys would love this story...

I was out with my girl friend and this guy tells me to give him my wallet, no gun or knife or anything. I couldn't help but get all mancho and et the guy to get lost. Well I called him "boy" in the process and he pulls a knife and tried to slash my throat, I side stepped my baby pepper sprays him. I grabbed the knife and elbowed him in the face, and would be mugger runs away. However as I'm standing in the parking lot at night looking at the pretty expensive knife. When the cops show and draw guns on me.

I carry anywhere from 2 to 4 knives on me at a given time, sometimes brassknuckles or a dog chain (for my wallet ;) ) instead. I'm also 7 inches away from being a midget, but hey... lol I didn't get charged but they wouldn't let keep the knife lol...
yep you owe her a dinner and be glad he did not pull a gun.
The police ,wellllll, what can I say they like expensive knives also
pstarr said:
Nice job! Your girlfriend sprayed him? You owe her a steak dinner! Maybe lobster...

She is the only g/f who doesn't mind my bloody knuckles, bruises and sore muscles. I was surprised she hit him with the mace over my shoulder. I owe her more then lobsters lol...
trueaspirer said:
Nice! Its really sad that the police drew their guns on you.

Walk into a situation (as a cop) where an individual has a knife in his hand, what call would you make? :)
Kreth said:
I've been trying to figure out how you sidestep a slash...

Cut was aimed at my throat and the guy telegraphed it otherwise I'd probibly be dead or seriously hurt. I started to move forward to the outside of his shoulder as soon as he telegraphed the attack. Think side stepping a back fist ;)
I'm glad you and your girlfriend are okay - and I agree about the cops drawing their guns because they saw a knife. What did they say after you told them the whole story, and did they catch the guy?
Dark said:
I started to move forward to the outside of his shoulder as soon as he telegraphed the attack.
This is not a sidestep, it's a move forward, hence my confusion.
trueaspirer said:
Nice! Its really sad that the police drew their guns on you.

Keep in mind, that anytime a LEO is responding to a situation like this, securing the scene and making sure things are safe is their #1 priority! Until things are sorted out, you can pretty much expect that anyone involved will most likely be detained until they figure out who is the accused and who is the victim.

MJS said:
Keep in mind, that anytime a LEO is responding to a situation like this, securing the scene and making sure things are safe is their #1 priority! Until things are sorted out, you can pretty much expect that anyone involved will most likely be detained until they figure out who is the accused and who is the victim.


I'm not mad they drew guns on me, I'm mad they showed up too late. They still don't have the guy who pulled the knife.
Dark said:
I'm not mad they drew guns on me,

Nope, wasn't implying that you were. I was just trying to clarify the reasoning for that in trueaspirers post.

I'm mad they showed up too late. They still don't have the guy who pulled the knife.

Yes, many times that is the case. I'm sure it wasn't a lack of concern for the nature of the call, but depending on the location of the incident and their location, I'm sure they do their best to get there as quickly as possible. Hopefully, either you or a witness was able to provide a description of the person.

I don't know the cops in my home town, well the state troopers anyway, don't like me but thats another story. I was actually inteding my post for trueaspires as well.
Hello, Sometimes you can get lucky...other times...get to be bury?

Remember it is wiser to give the most cases...? Trust your instincts if you are going to fight back.

Many robbers will have a back-up partner unseen and near-by,(maybe arm)....Plus most attacks will be in there area of comfort.

This person was willing to cut you/kill you because he move in for the attack.....

anyway you survive and no one was hurt/killed. This is just a reminder to others ,things don't always end in a uneventful case.

...take care, train hard, trust your long.....Aloha

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