This is a reminder to our members that the "Reputation" system is intended to be a means to indicate your approval/disapproval of a post.
It is not intended to be:
- A PM System (We have 1)
- A means of waging personal vendettas against those you have issues with.
- A way to insult, demean or otherwise send offensive messages.
- A way to "boost your buddies".
When I upgrade MT I will be installing several enhancements to the system.
If anyone has any questions about this, please open a thread in the Support Forum.
It is not intended to be:
- A PM System (We have 1)
- A means of waging personal vendettas against those you have issues with.
- A way to insult, demean or otherwise send offensive messages.
- A way to "boost your buddies".
Anyone caught abusing it will get -1- warning. After that, you will lose your ability to GIVE reputation. You will still be able to RECEIVE it.
When I upgrade MT I will be installing several enhancements to the system.
If anyone has a problem with rep-received, contact a member of the admin team. Complaining in-thread will be considered a disruption of the thread and may earn you a warning from our staff.
If anyone has any questions about this, please open a thread in the Support Forum.