The Project...


Master of Arts
Using the vast resource of this forum and the various excellent talents of its members both inside the martial arts and outside, just an idea - maybe we should make a movie

I'm not talking about a big budget blockbuster which will end up at the cinema, but a nice cute low budget, fun effort, where everyone gets a job to do. I've done numerous video clips before for things like youtube and promotional vids etc

There would be no egos, no squabbling, a good exchange of ideas and hey - we might all coem away with something to be proud of

My friend told me about Brighton Rock (which I haven't seen yet) which is something like a failing kung fu school is attacked by a group of ninjas

I'm sure people on here have had experience either behind the camera or in front of it. One of my students is a professional cameraman and we have done some filming before. So much fun

What do you guys think?
That would be great my role could be played by Jack Black because I'm starting to look like him more everyday ( he says while finishing off a packet of Doritos ) :)
Hey that's my role!!!

I finally saw Kung-Fu Panda this last weekend. In the final fight scene, just before he totally beats the crap out of the bad guy, he says, "I'm not a big, fat panda. I'm the big fat panda..." Well, is that what you are saying here?
Man, you guys are loafers!!! They need to get Gerard Butler (King Leonidas from "300") since his abs match mine exactly! :uhyeah:

I'm not much an actor, but this sounds cool. Hope it comes to fruition. Are you guys gonna have voice overs with lip movements like the old Kung Fu flicks?
I finally saw Kung-Fu Panda this last weekend. In the final fight scene, just before he totally beats the crap out of the bad guy, he says, "I'm not a big, fat panda. I'm the big fat panda..." Well, is that what you are saying here?

I'm no a big fat chunner, I'm the big fat chunner

Yeah baby!

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