After the mass shooting at Sandy Hook school in Newtown, Ct, as usual, it served as a 'wake up' call to every other school around, sending people into panic mode, trying to figure out ways to prevent things like this from happening again. Of course, the obvious is to ensure guns don't end up in the hands of mentally ill people, but that's not what I want to discuss in this thread. What I wanted to talk about was the options that're available. It seems like putting an armed guard in a school is counter productive in the eyes of some, because its giving the wrong impression. We don't want guns in school, but we're going to put an armed guard or cop. Furthermore, the cost of this, can reach towards 6 figures.
So of course, other options are looked at, ie: keycard entry, cameras, bullet proof glass, etc. Yet it still seems like people are still fighting with the thought of having to spend money. Well, what do they expect?
What do you feel would be the best options?
An armed officer at the door of every school — an idea some see as an essential response to the horrific Newtown tragedy — is proving to be a complicated and costly proposition as towns across Connecticut consider how best to ensure their students' safety.
Even in Newtown, where officials decided to hire school resource officers for their elementary schools, some are questioning whether the policy is appropriate.
"I am concerned that our focus on making our schools safe from the outside through the use of police officers and security guards is communicating to those inside that we are in danger, that the only way that we are safe in the school is to be protected by a person with a gun," Newtown First Selectman Pat Llodra told a school security conference in Hartford recently.
In the months since the Dec. 14 massacre, municipal and school officials throughout the state — forced to consider if their schools are equipped to respond to a shooting — have debated various measures to improve safety. Proposals range from adding panic buttons to arming guards, the latter drawing controversy for fiscal and philosophical reasons.
After the mass shooting at Sandy Hook school in Newtown, Ct, as usual, it served as a 'wake up' call to every other school around, sending people into panic mode, trying to figure out ways to prevent things like this from happening again. Of course, the obvious is to ensure guns don't end up in the hands of mentally ill people, but that's not what I want to discuss in this thread. What I wanted to talk about was the options that're available. It seems like putting an armed guard in a school is counter productive in the eyes of some, because its giving the wrong impression. We don't want guns in school, but we're going to put an armed guard or cop. Furthermore, the cost of this, can reach towards 6 figures.
So of course, other options are looked at, ie: keycard entry, cameras, bullet proof glass, etc. Yet it still seems like people are still fighting with the thought of having to spend money. Well, what do they expect?
What do you feel would be the best options?