The Power of Martial Talk - or What does Martial Talk do for me?

Rich Parsons

A Student of Martial Arts
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
I recently posted an ad in the proper section.

I posted one single thread.

This thread has gotten me 5 e-mails and 3 phone calls (* yes people tracked down my contact information on my website linked from my profile here *) all looking to try to take advantage of what I was offering.

I know this may not seem like much, but to get these cold calls from non Martial Talk members means that while people are searching the web Martial Talk comes up high in the searches which gives you exposure to a wider audience.

This site is a good site and has the capability to bring you into the next level.

Now please do not SPAM the site, nor SPAM other site, but if used within the rules and properly, then this site can be a very effective professional career or product tool.

Thank you
I can concur with Rich!

I have had several seminar, class, and private lesson attendees as a result my MT banner, MT seminar annoucements, and SilverStar Web Designs website.

Your personal results may vary but I am a proud user, supporter and client of MT and SilverStar Web Designs!

If you have made any sale or have received any business as a result of posting on MT, my challenge to you is re-invest back some of your returns and become a supporting member.

Guro Harold
Hey guys,

Very interesting given that I have a small training group here in Oshawa. I'd like more information on where Rich posted (as I haven't been on here much lately) and Harold's comments with regards to MT Banner and Silver Star Web Designs.

Thanks in advance !!

Take care,
Hi Brian,
MartialTalk reaches over 90,000 people each month. Right now I'm offering banner ads to our members at a huge savings to help them kick things up. I also offer website design, hosting and consultation services. Give me a shout at 716-XXX-XXXX or PM me your number and a good time to call and I can answer your questions.

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Hey guys,

Very interesting given that I have a small training group here in Oshawa. I'd like more information on where Rich posted (as I haven't been on here much lately) and Harold's comments with regards to MT Banner and Silver Star Web Designs.

Thanks in advance !!

Take care,


I posted in the Proshop:

The people mainly found the post through a google or similar search from a browser.

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