The Physio wasn’t working


Senior Master
Supporting Member
Nov 21, 2020
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I have right shoulder, supraspinatus tendon impingement. It’s really painful, interrupts my sleep at 3am leaving me wandering around the house trying this and that to ease the gnawing pain. It’s prevented me practising Iai for the last 4 months. I went to see a physio who gave me the same old exercises despite me suggesting they make the condition worse as it had on my left shoulder, because they further cause rubbing of the tendon and further inflammation. I asked for a steroid injection but of course I have to go through their long, pointless regime first.

I was at a friend’s daughter’s birthday party last night and moaning about my shoulder. My friend said, “I’ll inject it!” He hustled me into in his car, quickly drove across the city to his GP practise (which was like a small hospital!), he put me on his computer system as a ‘temporary resident’, whipped out a huge-needled syringe (at least a foot long) and before I could scream, it was painlessly done! I felt like I’d been punched in the shoulder as I shovelled birthday cake into my gob a bit later, but that was about it.

Today I’m virtually pain free except on movement and looking forward to further improvement and, of course, an uninterrupted night’s sleep. I’m slightly bitter about suffering for the last few months when this could so easily have been done earlier.
Yes, some sort of steroid concoction. He says he does hundreds per year and shoulder pain is strange as it tends to spontaneously go into remission.
I went to see a physio who gave me the same old exercises despite me suggesting they make the condition worse
I have to go through their long, pointless regime first.
I have the same experience with my back. Physio only give me mumbo jumbo. Only after the MR scan, did I at least get some substantial answers.

In end end the best physioteraphy for me, is simply to ADAPT the training, and keep hitting the heavy bag and do some extra stretching. Some of the suggested extercises physio gave me also did it worse. I later talked to a different physio that admitted that they work with canned exercise plans, and an educated patient usually knows better than anyone what to do and not do.

But I had to go through the damn physio to eventually get remitted to the MR scan. many months of pointless canned suggestions.
Today I’m virtually pain free except on movement and looking forward to further improvement and, of course, an uninterrupted night’s sleep. I’m slightly bitter about suffering for the last few months when this could so easily have been done earlier.
I hope it gets better! For me I found pain can get add to a vicious circle, so even if you can't get cortisone forever, it might break the bad trend. I had such experiences with jammed nerves, which cause pain and tensed muscles which futher adds to the compressions.
I have the same experience with my back. Physio only give me mumbo jumbo. Only after the MR scan, did I at least get some substantial answers.
They only seem to be any good for chest percussions to dislodge phlegm and getting post-operative patients out of bed to walk around.🙄
I later talked to a different physio that admitted that they work with canned exercise plans, and an educated patient usually knows better than anyone what to do and not do.
Yes my physio had these on her computer, picked the ones she wanted to give me and printed them out.
But I had to go through the damn physio to eventually get remitted to the MR scan. many months of pointless canned suggestions.
At least it was free.
I hope it gets better!
It’s improving by the hour. Essentially, it’s reducing the tendinitis/inflammation which means it doesn’t rub against the roof of the shoulder. Now I can do those exercises without further trauma.

The physio just didn’t get the idea that her exercises, whilst the tendon was inflamed, would make it worse: a bland look and, “These are the exercises”
For me I found pain can get add to a vicious circle, so even if you can't get cortisone forever, it might break the bad trend.
Yes, exactly!
I had such experiences with jammed nerves, which cause pain and tensed muscles which futher adds to the compressions.
When inflammation and spasm run wild, they cause mayhem.
I have tendonitis in both shoulders. Got 12 weeks of 3x a week PT. Helped a lot. 2 months later, my shoulders hurt worse than before. Can't get steroid injections due to diabetes I'm told.
I think you can Bill. They do in Europe.
I can ask my primary care physician when next I see him. I have to say I'm a bit unhappy with all my doctors recently. Got all this crap going on and nothing is helping. I get the "$200 shrug" every time I talk to one.
They tend to increase blood sugars for a few days but it’s nothing catastrophic.