The person above me...


Green Belt
Aug 29, 2011
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
I played this on the Opendiary forums a long time ago, and it was silly and fun so I thought I'd see if it would catch on here! Post something about the person above you. It can be a blatant lie, really silly, or make absolutely no sense. Since I don't have a person above me, I'll just use Bob Hubbard as an example. That ok, Bob?

The person above me (Bob Hubbard) likes maple syrup in his coffee.

So... if anyone feels like playing, I'd love to see what someone wants to say about me!
The person above me (naomisarah) shot a moose when she was 5!! :eek:
The person above me was chased by a bear while in the woods, and out ran it.......
Aww screw it, ill join in.

The Person above me is actually a Spambot, promoting MA. :D
The person above me keeps a secret collection of several rooms of New Kids On The Block memorabilia.
the person above me travels on the backs of wild animals.
The person above me used to drive a snowplough for a living. And won the Snowplough Driver's Union Snowplough-Driver of the Year three years in a row. Was defeated the fourth year by Jack Higgins; the guy who invented lumberjack shirts.
The person above me shot a bear in her pajamas last night. How he got in those pajamas no one knows.
The person above me witnessed the bear shooting and rewarded the shooter with an ice cream sundae sprinkled with toenail clippings.
The Person above me is secretly a Sentient Pony, with a Genetic Modification to make it Glow in the Dark.

That is all. You Monster.
The person above me was recently cited in a traffic violation involving an irate primate passenger.
The person above me has a strange aversion to the color red.
The person above me worked as a nomadic reindeer herder in Siberia.