****The Person Above Me! [V1.0]****


Green Belt
Apr 17, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
Simply post something about the person above you. It can do with their user-id, icon, sig, bio, stats, personal info, anything you can pick up about them. Also, there will be strictly NO FLAMING.

Now that the formalities are out of the way, here we are! YouAgain presents "The Person Above Me" thread V1.0!

So all in all post a nice comment about the person above you!

The person above me is nonexistent. :p
The person above me is from New Zealand and I always wanted to go there.

Consequently, what was it like with all the hobbits and elves running around the countryside there for a few years?
I have no idea about the person above me...but, from his name, I'm guessing he is from a university that starts with an O. Perhaps OK, Oregon, Ohio?..and thier mascot is a lobo?...*G
Originally posted by Ender
I have no idea about the person above me...but, from his name, I'm guessing he is from a university that starts with an O. Perhaps OK, Oregon, Ohio?..and thier mascot is a lobo?...*G

Close, Ohio University is the bobcats. The lobo (spanish for wolf) comes from my buddies calling me wolfman due to my tats.

whoever is next in line can skip me and use Ender as his entry.
Originally posted by OULobo
Close, Ohio University is the bobcats. The lobo (spanish for wolf) comes from my buddies calling me wolfman due to my tats.

whoever is next in line can skip me and use Ender as his entry.

The person above me totally screwed the game up. :p OULobo was supposed to say something about Ender, but instead he defered it to the next person posting (me). :rolleyes: :D
In the ballet, the girls are always on their toes....why don't they just get taller girls???
His name is awfully close to that of the character 'OZ' from Buffy the Vampire Slayer ... of the son in the 'Austin Powers' series.

Close, but not exact.
Satan's Barber.. Ian.. From England.. Garforth, which is in East Leeds, in West Yorkshire, in the North of England

who's waiting to see how he tested on his BB test *G*

His name Satans Barber: The name is based on the character of Sweeny Todd, the Demon Barber of Fleet Street, from the musical 'Sweeny Todd' by Stephen Sondheim.

Nothing religious at all about it..

Kempo Ryu Karate Kickboxing, a derivative of Ed Parker's American Kenpo. are his disciplines of study..

he likes movies, Sci Fi and a night out at the Pub .. but doesn't drink excessively but does like to practice with a buzz :)
KenpoTess knows alot about Satansbarber. And of course the picture does change now and then.
The person above me must have watched "Fraggle Rock" at one point of his life as he quotes a famous line from it in his signature. :)

Robyn :asian:
The person above me studies Aikido, and is very into comics and anime (and knows a lot about the old Batman TV show!)
The person above me registered months after I did and is already a Martial Talk Black Belt! :) He also used to watch the old '60's Batman show as a kid. :)

Robyn :asian:
The person above me registered a year before me and has more posts than me! :p
The person above me is a big fan of big eared green chihuahuas that fights like a samurai and talks like confucious on a bad trip. :p Other than that I think he is from New Zealand. By the way what happened to "old" Zealand :p