Black Belt
Hey guys I haven't posted in a long while. I have been practicing the Pendulum Step. This is the footwork demonstrated by the Kazakhstani boxer in the video below.
The Pendulum Step is footwork used to be able to maneuver in and out of your opponent's range. It's a hit and run style of movement, where you slip in quickly, land a shot or two and then manouver outwards. However, I have been wondering, how do I know if I am doing it properly? I have been practicing this for a while now, to the point of developing blisters on my feet. I have filmed a video of me practicing it and a couple of my concerns are listed below, along with the video. I've been working on this footwork for a while, but it feels off. The reason I wanted to learn this, is because of my way of boxing. I have always desired to be a slugger type of boxing, and have really wanted to use Mike Tyson's peek a book style. However, I always gravitate to moving around the ring and unloading quick shots, instead of pressuring my opponents. I belive that this Pendulum Step footwork would really complement the way I box. But again, I would like some feedback to improve it, and some questions below answered.
1. The feet are definitely supposed to leave the ground. You are constantly shifting your stance back and forth, and whenever you want to step in for a shot, you hop in forwards a bit more and hop out backwards.
The video I have filmed is just the stationary position without any punches. But are my feet hopping too far up off of the ground?
2. Is my stance shifting too far forwards and/or backwards?
Here is the video below:
1. The feet are definitely supposed to leave the ground. You are constantly shifting your stance back and forth, and whenever you want to step in for a shot, you hop in forwards a bit more and hop out backwards.
The video I have filmed is just the stationary position without any punches. But are my feet hopping too far up off of the ground?
2. Is my stance shifting too far forwards and/or backwards?
Here is the video below: