The pain of getting older


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Grand Prairie Texas
How does one become better with the pain some people have when growing, I mean I have a couple of teenager that they are hurting because of growing and I just do not know what to do? They have seen a doctor and everything is ok bu those knees and joints are hurting, I guess it is just growing pain and they need to work though it but I feel for them sometimes.
How does one become better with the pain some people have when growing, I mean I have a couple of teenager that they are hurting because of growing and I just do not know what to do? They have seen a doctor and everything is ok bu those knees and joints are hurting, I guess it is just growing pain and they need to work though it but I feel for them sometimes.

Knee pain in growing teens, especialy mails is often a condition call "OSgood Slaughter " - phonetic spelling. If this i the cause they need to refrain from strenuous exercise until the condition subsides or (Supposedly) long term damage issues may result.
Thanks Earl I will look that up, they have seen a doctor and he said they could workout.
Sudden growth spurts definitely contribute to Osgood-Schlatter's as well. Boys are more likely to get it partly because they more typically have these. It does happen to girls, though; I was the shortest kid in my class at the beginning of 6th grade and the tallest by the end of 8th. I grew more than a foot in 2 years and developed O-S in both knees. It is a very painful condition, and when I had it, surgery was largely unsuccessful and required traction afterward. I had to wear leg braces that extended from mid-thigh almost to my ankle (thank heavens only on one leg at a time!)

My sons have both had some crazy growth spurts lately. They aren't having knee problems, but every time they suddenly grow a couple of inches, their balance and control goes completely to hell. Have any of you noticed this with other kids? It's like they don't know where their feet are for a while.
My sons have both had occasional growing pains in their legs, but they're still under 10 years old.