The Obama Administration and Civil Liberties

Empty Hands

Senior Master
Accused wiki-leaker Pfc. Bradley Manning has been in solitary confinement without conviction or even charge that I know of, for 10 months now.

The Justice Department's War on Whistleblowers.

The injustices and lack of due process heaped on terrorism suspects are also now being directed at citizens, with the Administration reserving the right to assassinate American citizens without due process and abandoning Miranda protections for terror suspects.

There is a lot more. Due process has become a sham if the magic word "terrorism" is involved.


Some things, he has done right, but civil liberties and the war on terror are glaring exceptions. Obama has pushed executive power into further dangerous territory in this arena, beyond even what Bush proposed. Looks like all those dumb libs were right back in 2001-2008 - once that power is in the hands of the Executive, it won't be given back up easily or at all. I believe it was Elder999 on this very board that asked us all to imagine these new tools of Executive power in the hands of President Hillary. Looks like all he got wrong was the name.

The rest of the government seems hell-bent on joining him (with a few noble exceptions), and the populace just doesn't give a damn. Enjoy the ride folks, it's going to get interesting.
FYI, for those with short memories...

January 22, 2009

Promising to return America to the "moral high ground" in the war on terrorism, President Obama issued three executive orders Thursday to demonstrate a clean break from the Bush administration, including one requiring that the Guantanamo Bay detention facility be closed within a year.
During a signing ceremony at the White House, Obama reaffirmed his inauguration pledge that the United States does not have "to continue with a false choice between our safety and our ideals."
The president said he was issuing the order to close the facility in order to "restore the standards of due process and the core constitutional values that have made this country great even in the midst of war, even in dealing with terrorism."

Moral High Ground, Mister President? I thought President Bush was a war criminal? Now you have changed your mind? Well, how interesting.
I'm not one to defend Obama, but at least they got rid of only permitting free speech in fenced off, miles away official "free speech zones".

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