The NBA finals... does anyone actually care?


Senior Master
Aug 5, 2005
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Perhaps its regional, but I just can't seem to get into watching the NBA. I'm a much bigger fan of NCAA basketball. Just about the only thing I'll be interested in with regards to the NBA will be the draft, just to see where my favorite NCAA players go :)

Anyone actually watching the finals this year? How did your teams do? Who are you rooting for in the finals?
Perhaps its regional, but I just can't seem to get into watching the NBA. I'm a much bigger fan of NCAA basketball. Just about the only thing I'll be interested in with regards to the NBA will be the draft, just to see where my favorite NCAA players go :)

Anyone actually watching the finals this year? How did your teams do? Who are you rooting for in the finals?

Now that the Pistons are out. In one word NOooooooooooo!
Everyone in my office seems to think that it will determine the fate of the universe. I personally don't care.
Now that the Pistons are out. In one word NOooooooooooo!

Same here. And, the fact that I don't think any team in the East would be able to compete with the Spurs. I read this morning that the Spurs are something like 35-5 since February and I think they had much better competition in their conference to prepare them for the finals.

But, with the league and media's crowning of King James as the next Jordan in the Cavs last series, maybe the superstar rules (aka Jordan Rules) will apply again this series and at least make the series somewhat interesting.

I wouldn't be surprised to see (well, I won't actually be watching) the Spurs win this in 4.

Maybe I'll tune in to see the flopping competition between Sideshow Bob and Ginobli.
I don't watch sports - so no, I don't care - but it's not because it's the NBA; it's because I don't care in general!
I've given up on professional sports a while back. I mean these guys get millions of dollars a year via a contract to play sports as entertainment. College ball however to me is different but still a means for the student/player to get into pro-ball. But to me they're working harder so that the scouts and owners will see how much they're worth.

Personally I'd like to see more professional women's basketball being utilized. My dad had me interpreting the Tennessee Lady Vols games right up to their (7th) Championship win. I'll be darned that I wasn't actually getting into it after a while. The gals played with a lot of spirit and a lot of heart. Probably because they know it's the only time they'll get to shine until they graduate and leave college and go on career lives according to their individual majors. Because there is no pro-womens ball... at least not comparable to the men's.

:idunno: So Pro-ball... ehh given a choice of taking it or leaving it... I'd leave it. Other folks want to spend hundreds/thousands of dollars on season tickets and all that... fine. It's what barks up their trees. Not for me. Rather be playing than watching.

I'd make a good husband though... wife don't have to worry about me not doing any "honey-do's" just because the "game is on!"
After da bears lost the Superbowl...well...nothing else matters...*sniff* :waah:
After da bears lost the Superbowl...well...nothing else matters...*sniff* :waah:
I kinda felt that way when the Rams left L.A.
NO. Hockey is done for the season and Baseball is here.
I love hockey, but baseball just does not do it for me. Just about the only time I'll actually enjoy a good baseball game is either playing it or going to a minor league game when its not too hot. Summer, for me, is a very boring sports time. Hockey is done, and I'm just waiting for fall Football and college basketball :)
Everyone in my office seems to think that it will determine the fate of the universe. I personally don't care.

Same with my department..It is the topic of discussion with everyone..and like MBuzzy I pesonally don't care..
Not only do I not care one bit, but today I am actually overjoyed.
Now that the finals are over and done with, there will be no more talk of NBA basketball for MONTHS!
Not only do I not care one bit, but today I am actually overjoyed.
Now that the finals are over and done with, there will be no more talk of NBA basketball for MONTHS!

Amen my brother...Lebron James is not God
Not only do I not care one bit, but today I am actually overjoyed.
Now that the finals are over and done with, there will be no more talk of NBA basketball for MONTHS!

Unfortunately, now the ClemensYankeesSox talk goes up to 24/7 from 23/7 until football season.
Not only do I not care one bit, but today I am actually overjoyed.
Now that the finals are over and done with, there will be no more talk of NBA basketball for MONTHS!
AMEN! Until draft time of course. The only time I'm interested in the NBA.

Amen my brother...Lebron James is not God
However, I have heard they are second cousins

Unfortunately, now the ClemensYankeesSox talk goes up to 24/7 from 23/7 until football season.
I started my mourning once hockey stopped. Please come quickly FOOTBALL! woot! I guess the UFC has no "off-season", so that is good :)