The Internationals



Does anyone have any news about the Intrnationals past weekend. I am wondering more about the turnout, the calibre of competition, not who won what.
Still waiting to hear how the Internationals went back in January. Did it live up to the hype? Was it a cool event? Anybody have any information on it?
You didn't hear! WoW It was great. Angelo Collado won the GC in Forms and the Axes that Mike Pick made and donated.

great fun and cool times with all there.

where were you?
I was working and freezing my **** off up here in the great white north. Too expensive to travel to the states for a major event these days, people have to remember the difference in the dollar if they want Canadians to attend events in the States.
:) Or................ You just gotta make more so you can get out and visit the world. :rofl:

easier said than done ....... right........ hee hee..

Well if my wife could get a radio job in the states we wold move in a heartbeat. So if anyone hears of one let me know
She will only move to an area where she can have the same job she does now, Morning show co-host. Too damned picky!
If you're thinking of moving to Arizona Rob. Be warned, they have scorpions like we have ladybugs. They apear out of no where and have a pretty mean sting. :anic:

Luckily I only know that by what Dennis has told me, oh and his collection of the mean suckers. Otherwise, Arizona is beautiful, one day I'll be back. :cool:

dot :wavey:
I can just imagine it, I will be sleeping with my boots on just so I can go to the washroom in the night without getting stung on the foot.

My cats would have a field day with them, they are quite the hunters.
Have you tried this?

It's the employment section for Clear Channel Communications. I know the company owns many radio stations in Florida, and I'm sure they own some in other states as well.

Hell, we get half you Canadians in Florida every winter, anyway :D

Originally posted by Cthulhu

Hell, we get half you Canadians in Florida every winter, anyway :D

Cthulhu [/B]

Thanks for the site, and it is funny you mention the Canadians in Florida, My mother and her boyfriend spend almost 4 months a yr there.
Originally posted by Rob_Broad

Thanks for the site, and it is funny you mention the Canadians in Florida, My mother and her boyfriend spend almost 4 months a yr there.

Heh. I used to live in Tampa, FL. In the winter months, nearby Clearwater could have been called 'Little Canada'. Easily half the cars would bear Canadian plates, or be rentals by Canadians.

There are a whole lot of people here in Arizona that end their sentences with Eh also!

I guess the Great White North gets to ya after a while hee hee.
