The guillotine guy


Sr. Grandmaster
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Mar 18, 2005
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This guy went through a lot of trouble to kill himself, but at least he did it right by going out in the woods. Not exactly cutting edge technology (pun intended), but it certainly worked.

ALLEN PARK, Mich. -- The body of a 41-year-old man was found in a wooded area next to a guillotine he built and used to kill himself, police said.

The man, from the Detroit suburb of Melvindale, was discovered Monday by workers from a shopping center near his home.

Allen Park Deputy Police Chief Dale Covert said the roughly six-foot tall guillotine was bolted to a tree and included a swing arm. Covert said police also found several store receipts detailing the materials used to assemble the device.

"I can't even tell you how long it must have taken him to construct," he said. "This man obviously was very determined to end his life."
well if your gonna end it all... might as well go all out.
Whatever happened to selling all of your worldly possessions and buying a few tons of dynamite and a Bic lighter?
If the guy thought he was being original, he was sadly mistaken. In Norman Douglas' wonderful novel South Wind, published in 1917, one of the expat British residents on the fantastical island of Nepenthe is telling a visiting English Anglican bishop about a strange case that had happened several years before:

There was a young fellow here—an agreeable young fellow—an artist; he was rich; he took a villa, and painted. We all liked him. Then, by degrees, he became secretive and moody. Said he was studying mechanics. He told me himself that much as he liked landscape painting, he thought an artist—a real artist, he said—ought to be versed in ancillary sciences; in fortification, woodcarving, architecture and so on. Leonardo da Vinci, you know. Well, one day they could not get into his bedroom. They broke open his door and discovered that he had constructed a perfectly-formed guillotine; the knife had fallen; his head lay on one side and his body on the other...

I've heard it said that you can't do anything that someone else hasn't already thought of. Case in point....
Guys! Please!! All the responses are very funny but still ... well ... not to be overly somber or anything but the poor fellow did kill himself.

Of course, if it's a fictional event then the jokes on me (not followed the link yet, just overcome by knee-jerk, bleeding-heart-liberal, finger-keyboard-interface action :eek:).
My mechanical and carpentry skills being what they are, I would have probably done just enough damage to paralize myself for life. Best to leave suicide for the Glock.