The Green Police (Audi's Superbowl commercial)

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Feb 8, 2009
Reaction score
Yeah, we laugh now...but you know that there are many people who probably think this is a great idea.

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I didn't like the commercial all that much. Can't say it makes me want to buy an Audi. But, if they are shooting for a specific market segment, perhaps they appealed to it.

BTW where were "the green police" when two companies were trying to build biodiesel plants in my city? One had to give up plans, the other was delayed two years from its grand opening.
I didn't like the commercial all that much. Can't say it makes me want to buy an Audi. But, if they are shooting for a specific market segment, perhaps they appealed to it.

BTW where were "the green police" when two companies were trying to build biodiesel plants in my city? One had to give up plans, the other was delayed two years from its grand opening.

Hey, I'm just saying. As a photographer, I can tell you that many years ago, batteries for cameras that contained mercury were banned world-wide, because of the damage they do to landfills. And now, we have environmentally-friendly compact florescent bulbs - full of mercury - which end up where? In the landfill. Yes, they last for years - so did camera batteries. When pressed, EPA says that the CFL's are intended to be disposed of using published hazmat guidelines. You know anyone doing that with their dead CFL bulbs? Me neither.

It's all just window-dressing, feel good stuff for the tree huggers and to get 'green' politicians elected. Nothing changes, and nobody in power really cares.

I agree that the commercial doesn't make me want to buy an Audi either, but I liked the commercial.
OT - I wasn't impressed with any of the SB ads this year. Especially the Bud Light. Those sucked. What a waste of millions of dollars for them. A few that made me chuckle were the Snickers ad with Betty White, the Doritos ad with the kid, and the one for the Charger. I mean, there were alot that were ok, mentions included, but nothing like what we've seen in previous years, IMO.
Yeah, we laugh now...but you know that there are many people who probably think this is a great idea.

I thought it was hilarious, though Audi's message seemed to be "I, for one, welcome our eco-nazi overlords."

Overall I enjoyed the game and the commercials. The Who were just meh. Is it me or are the Super Bowl planners playing it really safe these days?
I didn't like the commercial all that much. Can't say it makes me want to buy an Audi. But, if they are shooting for a specific market segment, perhaps they appealed to it.

My reaction was much the same. I barely saw the Audi in the ad. I found the commercial kind of funny in a self-deprecating way.
I did not like any of the commercials.

The TDI Diesel was misleading as well as it did nto draw enough attention to Biodiesel and still did not address the extra emission elements used to make it meet standards. But that is from my point of view.

I also talked with a woman at work and she liked the Charger commercial as it targeted women and what they say to men. I asked her if she would find it so funny if I had done one that targeted men, but also insulted women. They lost me even with a nice looking car with a nice package, I was not impressed with the ad. I did not think the comercial did the target item justice in my opinion.

I did kind of like the throwing star Dorito, and I understand it was all in fun. But in this PC world it portrays martial arts as wierdo's. Like we need mroe press like that.
Very creepy. One of the biggest things that bothers me about this commercial is that there are a whole bunch of REAL environmental problems. These people would have us looking at each other rather then those. It seems like society is moving in another misdirecting direction. I can see the zeitgeist behind an add like this obfuscating any real environmental problems.

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