The Goa'uld Are Here!


Its just a time tunnel :D


It's clear what's happening here. Despite all their high-falutin talk of peace prizes and whatnot, the Norwegians are developing a friggin' Death Star.
Can some of our more militarily experienced members explain to me how, if it was an out of control missile that subsequently detonated, that the 'explosion' was black?

By this I mean that, watching the BBC hosted video, you can hear a faint sound of detonation followed by an expanding circle of black in the middle of the light spirals.
It's clear what's happening here. Despite all their high-falutin talk of peace prizes and whatnot, the Norwegians are developing a friggin' Death Star.

Sci Fi Science
How to Blow Up a Planet

The crosshairs are lined up, a death ray is fired and a planet is vaporized. Sci fi fantasy? Not according to Dr Michio Kaku, who draws up blueprints to show how a real death star might work. The technology could be here sooner than you think!
Can some of our more militarily experienced members explain to me how, if it was an out of control missile that subsequently detonated, that the 'explosion' was black?

By this I mean that, watching the BBC hosted video, you can hear a faint sound of detonation followed by an expanding circle of black in the middle of the light spirals.
Here's the CNN article about it:

What pops into my mind, in response to your question about the 'explosion', is that if the article is right and the light were coming from the gases emitted from the missile being lit from below by the sun, then the gases would stop being emitted when the missile 'exploded' or whatever happened and it would appear that an expanding circle of black spiraled outward, but would actually be the tail end of the gas emissions finishing their spiral outward. So, an expanding 'lack' of light spirals as opposed to an expanding circle of black.
That's a logical explanation, Sage. I could accept that I think (tho' it is very black and does not match the night sky around).

There are a couple of other niggles worth puzzling over mind you.

Some have questioned why the 'vapur trail' was not disturbed by the wind, to which the reasoned answer has been that it was in the high atmosphere or beyond. Back comes the re-question of, if that is so, then that 'disk' of gases has to be massive to have such an apparent diameter when viewed from the ground. The reaoned response again is that it only looks like a disk but is actually a regressing cone ... which begs the question of why the lower parts are not affected by the winds?

:lol: You can talk yourself in circles with such things! For me, 'wormhole' is a perfectly reasonable explanation ... the 'Russian missile malfunction' cover story is far too dull :D.
I figured it out

It was a small Hypnodisk spinning in front of a very powerful light and the Russians were trying to hypnotize Norway into believing it was part of Russia as part of its new plan for world domination :D
Okay, okay, it was a spinning hypnotism disk. All of Norway has been hypnotized into believing they have always been a part of Russia, look for strange some strange political stories soon. Sweden is next, then Estonia. They won't bother with Finland, Finns are just to much trouble.

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