The...Er...JOBS Americans won't do...

There are quite a few Americans who are willing to do prostitution. When you say "jobs", are you referring to the logistics of human trafficking or prostitution?

- Ceicei
There are quite a few Americans who are willing to do prostitution. When you say "jobs", are you referring to the logistics of human trafficking or prostitution?

- Ceicei
It was a two-for-one. I was referring to the oft stated myth that illegals do the jobs Americans won't(We have plenty of our own criminals, thanks...) and a slang term for a specific sex act...
It was a two-for-one. I was referring to the oft stated myth that illegals do the jobs Americans won't(We have plenty of our own criminals, thanks...) and a slang term for a specific sex act...

Understood. Thanks for clarifying.

- Ceicei
Uh... I didn't see a "myth" part in the article I read, so I'm not sure what you're referring to with that comment.

There are plenty of jobs that Americans don't want to do because the pay is too low to compensate for the working conditions; there are others that are performed by both Americans and non-Americans (such as the prostitution discussed here), but which are performed by non-Americans for much lower rates. For the legal jobs, unless and until the economic climate in this country changes, paying a living wage for a full-time job, there is no incentive for those who can attain other work to do those jobs, and as long as there are people willing to work for the minimal wages paid to illegal immigrants, those employers have no incentive to pay more... especially as the governmental sanctions are rarely invoked and even more rarely invoked with teeth. Then there is the social aspect of such invocations - I recall, recently, a government crack-down on illegal immigrants working in several factories, who were identified and deported - and the massive outcry from the community about the effect the deportation would have on their families (composed largely of illegal immigrants as well, except for the children born in the US) who had lost their source of family income.

For the illegal jobs, there are always those who are willing to break the law to increase their earning potential, and there are always those who are forced into such employment for the economic benefit of others - which may or may not be the case in the referenced article; it was not stated which case this was for the prostitutes involved. Legalized prostitution is a topic for another thread.