The Eight DUMBEST people in the WORLD

Big Don

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Sep 2, 2007
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Israel jails 8 Jewish neo-Nazis - World - Israel jails 8 Jewish neo-Nazis
November 23, 2008
TEL AVIV–An Israeli court jailed eight Jewish teenagers on Sunday for carrying out neo-Nazi attacks in a case that sparked revulsion in a state that was a haven for Jews after the Holocaust.
Tel Aviv District Court Judge Zvi Gurfinkel sentenced the teenagers, aged 16 to 19, to between one and seven years in prison for a "shocking and horrifying" year-long spree of attacks that targeted foreign workers, ultra-Orthodox Jews and homeless men.
The court said the group also planned to attack Arabs.
The eight teenagers were immigrants to Israel from the former Soviet Union and court documents cited social adjustment difficulties as a factor behind their involvement in the gang, which posted pro-Adolf Hitler video clips on the Internet.
One of the teenagers was the grandson of Holocaust survivors.
End Excerpt
Jewish Nazi's? Is that like Black Klansmen?
More like a form of violent anarchist..... probably consumed by self loathing and hatred for everything around them.

One doubts that these individuals - like many today - understood the true extent of evil that the Nazis represented. Perhaps they seized upon Nazism as a sure fire way to offend everyone.
Jewish Nazi's? Is that like Black Klansmen?

Self-hatred takes bizarre forms, BD. Consider the horrifying case of Daniel Burros, former Jewish rabbinical student and... high ranking American Nazi Party official and a Grand Dragon of the KKK[??!!] For a little more detail (and more proof that I am not making this up :erg:), check out the wiki entry on Burros.

One thing to bear in mind, though—not all of the Russian emigrés to Israel who have been involved in this kind of anti-Semitic behavior (and it's been in the news for a while) are necessarily Jewish. According to news reports I've been following on this extremely disturbing phenomenon, some of them are of non-Jewish Slavic extraction, who for reasons of their own wanted to go to Israel, but brought with them the religious bigotry that is common in certain circles there and was pretty much institutionalized during the Stalinist era.
Thank you Exile, a calm summation of the situation. Many people from the former Soviet Bloc find their way into Israel by saying they are Jewish, it's usually easier than getting to the UK or America directly which is where they plan to end up usually.
I'm sure Jews aren't the only ones to suffer idiots.
Self-loathing. Ya gotta love it.
is it wrong to want to giggle at this story?
No, not really, although it got a wry grin out of me but it is silly, it is stupid and it the extent of the stupidity that makes it really too sad to do anything but giggle.
We're going to keep hearing about stuff like this. What is really really sad is that they take this hatred and spread it around. IMO You want to go and hate something ... fine... just keep that crap to your self.
Self hatred? probably not. Judaism was banned in the former Soviet Republic and now things have not turned out as well as some hoped when communism fell they are claiming Jewish ancestory to get out of Russia. America is hard to get into and Britain is getting harder, but with an Israeli passport it is very much easier. Anyone can claim they lost someone in the Holocaust and that they had Jewish relatives way back when. Of course you get people who hate their religion but I doubt it was these lads. I'd say from what friends from Israel have told me these are bullies and criminals who enjoy terrorising people.
Quote from article
About a million immigrants from Russia and other former Soviet states have moved to Israel since the fall of Communism in 1990. Some have risen to prominence in politics and industry while others struggle to integrate, including thousands not considered Jewish by religious authorities.

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