The Dummy Work is Killing Me.


MT Mentor
Oct 20, 2007
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
Man, the Wooden Dummy work has been killing me the last couple of days. And here's the kicker. I haven't even been training on it. I'm beat from just building a stand and fixing up the dummy itself... it's been rotting in storage for nearly 20 years and is a real mess. One time my wife even threw it out on the curb for the Goodwill truck. Gasp! That was a close one.

So I finally bought a belt sander and some wood filler, and have discovered that under the discolored, split and flaking exterior, there's still a decent piece of wood. The arms are in fair shape, even the one my wife used to back up a piece of wood she was drilling holes into. More wood filler there. The leg was lost about three moves ago, but it turned out that my Si-dei had an extra one that doesn't fit his dummy... and it does fit mine. That was like a divine omen. I had to get the damn thing back together. Two more layers of sanding, a few coats of finish and I'm there. And hopefully, will still have enough stamina left to use it. Wish me luck.
Geezer my humble friend, I'm sure it will have been worth it, and once you feel more up to it you will go at it with full ferocity, most likely even getting in better shape than in past tense, certainly re-enlivening your love of the form and applications ect you draw from it, good luck and enjoy!
After your finished can you make me one ?
I've never had the balls to make one myself , because I know it would be such a massive job. Not only in getting all the dimensions just right , but in all the physical hard work .

Even with a garage full of the right power tools it would still be a daunting task.
I'm waiting for Ikea to bring one out , maybe in a nice Baltic Pine .
Pick it up flat pack , get it home , assemble it with the little Allen key , and Bob's your Uncle .
When I first got my dummy it was all painted brown. A very drab brown. I sanded the crap out of it and to my surprise what was beneath was a gorgeous two toned light/dark hardwood. After I clear coated the whole thing it was even more brilliant making my eyes literally pop out of my skull with how great it looked. I didn't have to do nearly as much as you good sir and I do wish you the best of luck with it, my point is that as I'm sure you know the result will be so well worth it. My dummy is now "MY" dummy for all the hard work and energy I've put into it. If we were closer I'd bring over some Jow to help with the pains, I can relate. Cheers to you for all your efforts and I know your going to play the hell out of it when your done. Can't wait to see some photo's when your done.
Those comments about your wife cracks me up.
A good friend of mine and fellow WT'er says that when he's an old geezer (sorry) he's going to take his dummy with him to the nursing home.
He says he can see it now, the nurses will come up to him and gently lead him back to bed saying "now now Mr Smith, it's OK, quit beating up your coat rack"
Then she'll tell the doctor and they'll sedate him.........
After your finished can you make me one ?

Heck, go ahead and make two: shouldn't be too much extra work ;)

Oh.. and I'll then I'll need you to come over and teach me some Wing Chun patterns to practice on it :D

I've always thought a Wing Chun dummy would be great for conditioning forearms and hands.