The Dumbest Thing I Saw Today was..


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Jul 16, 2004
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Wanted to start a new thread..We all see really dumb things everyday, so here is your chance to share with all..So here goes..The dumbest I saw today was one of the local homies had installed "gullwing" doors on a Chevy Impala 4 door..Factory paint and rust, normal tires, but gull wing doors...DUMB...
Ha! I saw a laptop chained to a table so it couldn't be stolen.

Around the table leg.

So if you lift the leg... you can slide the cable lock out from around the leg and still take the laptop.
The metal end of an eraser holder on a pencil used to steady a wobbly electric plug short circuit risk.
A person on a cell phone cutting across two lanes to make a right turn......
and someone tailgating a motorcyclist.......
I saw a person wearing bikini brief while running and he look like well you know !!! :erg:
Getting my Cable box replaced so I could decode the cable signals and watch it. Then having the "new" box have the fan come on ten minutes after the guys leaves and it never shuts off. So, I called and complained again, and their comment was that they could get someone out on Monday morning. So I now have to take a day off of work being single to get this replaced. And to top it off I could not get a credit as they cannot credit into the future. I had to unplug the box as if it has power the fans is on.

It was difficult for me to explain to them that on Monday if that box did not work perfectly, they could just take it away and loose me as a customer. Their reply was that all boxes are checked out to make sure they work. This one works but you have to turn the volume up to 25 when I normal listen at 7 or 8 just to hear it. One of the guys on the phone asked me to turn the volume down on the TV, I told him the TV was off and it was the fan. This was when I started making progress as they were confused on what was broke if I was getting a signal.
How about a guy throwing a fit at a fundraiser for my nephew(who is terminal with lung cancer) because he could not smoke amongst the people.

I wanted to kick the crap out of him so bad, but the wife would have kicked the crap outa me.
How about a guy throwing a fit at a fundraiser for my nephew(who is terminal with lung cancer) because he could not smoke amongst the people..

OMG!!! How ****ed up can someone be

I wanted to kick the crap out of him so bad, but the wife would have kicked the crap outa me.

I'm lucky in that aspect...The wife cant take me, yet...
OMG!!! How ****ed up can someone be

I'm lucky in that aspect...The wife cant take me, yet...

** In slow motion **
She ain't going to hit
*** WACK!!! ***
** Falling to the floor **
meeee ... ;) :)

On the serious side yeah some people just don't get it, and smoking in general is one that bothers me, especially around hospitals or where people are on oxygen waiting for a bus or ..., and benefit for a child with lung cancer. :(

** I am sorry to hear about the nephew searcher **
Went to dinner with my dad, brother & wife this evening. Crowded restaurant. So we went to the bar to wait. After we look around, and as we're getting ready to move out of the bar area, a waitress/hostess type walks up, and asks if we're waiting (no, we're the now decorations; which wall are we supposed to mount ourselves on?), and could we please move out of the way of the servers who are carrying heavy trays... Of course, in STOPPING us to ask us to MOVE... she guaranteed we were standing in the way for about 5 times as long as we dealt with her.

I love dealing with rocket scientists!